anyone remember that big ass diet/exercise/chadandpinkyblahblah thread?

shut the fuck up fattie.

uh huh. big words coming from the mouth of mr 310lbs.

a couple of months ago i tried taking phentermine to loose weight. that shit made me sick as fuck. its the prescription shit that truckers take to stay awake.


ive heard a more than a few people talk about the need to cleanse out your intestines… how there can literally be 5-10 lbs of crud in there that needs to come out… however, I dont know if colon blow is the most effective way to do so.

ive lost 15 pounds…down to 205 now!!!

mainly from working and lifting here and there…

just started running this week too!!! soo i hope to get under 200 soon!!

I’ll break off 310lbs of cock in your ass.

mom jokes = :ban:


awww nga.

fuck your momma! Cant you handle a little old school PASR shit talking?

thats what you’ll be weeping when im done with you.

it’s all good.

I didn’t want to ruin a good thread with old school smack talking, but a little is fun. :smiley:

When John Wayne died… he had 40 lbs of poop in his belly…

Don’t ask me why I know that… I have no clue.

Cleaning the poop out is suppossed to be very good for you.

last fall I lost about 20 pounds… almost by accident… Here’s what I did.

I did NOT excerise

I changed from regular Pepsi to Diet Pepsi… I stopped using sugar in my coffee and replaced it with Low Carb Vanilla Creamer (International Delight I thik) and I ate more chicken and Green beans…
I was dropping weight so fast… I would buy smaller pants… and they would be too big before I could hem up the legs.
I went from a size 10 to a size 4 in 3 months… and was never hungry or tired.

werd. the vast majority of the weight I lost I can attribute to ditching soda. in retrospect, I cant believe how much of that shit I drank.


Excellent… because I think my husband told me that Howard Stern said that on his show… I HATE HOWARD STERN… and this is another fine example of how muchhe sucks !!!

Excellent job Sonny !!!

nope, you got owned.

howard stern propagates misinfomation daily!!!

seriously fuck howard stern!!!


my old man tried telling me the same john wayne story when i was a kid… i was like :nono:

295 to 230 TO 245:!:smiley: