anyone remember that big ass diet/exercise/chadandpinkyblahblah thread?

I had a broken scale that reported my weight at 210 but it was probably closer to 220 or 225. Goal weight is 200.

My waist and neck measurements are what I go by to determine loss. I don’t want to lose muscle, just bodyfat. Gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time is pretty difficult, but I’ve set my goal dates for nearly a year away. Looking to hit a 34 inch waist.

Lifting regularly since May. Stationary bike, sprints and walking the bike trail make up the cardio.


Equal parts clean carbs (40g) and protein (40g) evenly spaced out on non lifting days. On lifting days I space out my carb/protein intake but try to get 50% of the days allowance after my workouts and keep fat intake for earlier in the day.

Useful link:

Get a seamstress tape and calculate your bodyfat here: Bodyfat Calculator

Just follow the tips for measuring and where to measure. Plug in the data and hit Submit.

Excellent tools…
I agree about the weight statement… Weight shouldn’t be what you look at… it should some sort of inches or sizes. Weight is in direct relation to muscle mass. For example…
Eurodad is 6’2" tall… those of you who have seen him, know, he is big framed… very broad (sexy) shoulders… He would look ridiculous at anything under 210 pounds… but one website I looked at said his Ideal weight was 180 … Too skinny…

i did find another website that help you calculate your weight based on your frame size… I’ll look for it again…

This has some info about weight vs. frame size. I’ll add more as I find them.

Here’s an easy one that is an advertisement…

I was startin’ to get going the right direction a few months ago… but then my lifting buddy wrecked his R1 and was outta commision for a while, work got crazy busy (long hours), I was lazy, excuses, excuses, blah, blah. So the last 3 months I’ve basically done jack-shit and put on a few lbs. I’m about 215 right now (6’ even).

So I’m back at square one. I mean, I’m still in better shape than back when I was in PA. Most ppl consider me “built” but I just carry my weight well I suppose. I lifted for a year solid but that ended over a year ago. But I do still retain some of that “good” size and shape.

So starting last week I said FUCK this and got back on the horse. I work 10am-7pm so 2-3 days a week I come in at 8am and do about an hour of cardio (stationary bike and/or run). 3-4 days a week I go lift w/ my friend (all healed up from the wreck) for about 1.5-2hrs. And I still have my hockey games once a week. It sounds like a lot but really it all fits into my schedule well. I really enjoy the lifting and obviously the hockey so those parts really don’t seem like a “chore.” The cardio (and the waking up 2 hours early) can be a bit more of a burdon and I know that’s where the dedication will really come in.

I’m also eating much better. The past few months I had been gettin’ home from work, kickin’ back w/ a few beers. Then eating a late dinner and crashing out. That’s about the worst thing you can do. Now I eat my dinner before I leave work (right around 7… gotta love the free food at Google) and head off to lift. Once I get home and showered up I may eat something small, but I keep it healthy and protien-rich (such as a Tiger Milk Bar or something). Just so I don’t go to bed feeling hungry (since good sleep is vital to body improvement). I try and avoid really fatty food, but I’m not super strict or anything. And I save the alcohol for the weekend, and try and go w/ something like a Jack 'n Deit instead of Beer.

I know if I wanted to get really cut/huge I’d have to get super strict w/ my deit and start using supplements and stuff. But that’s just not me. I’ll be happy to get some decent definition and bring the beer gut back into check.


About this time last year I got down to 130lbs. (I got my tongue pierced and lost like 8 lbs in 48 hours cause I couldn’t eat anything!) Then I won a bikini contest, got $500 and didn’t care after that. Now I’m trying to lose it again by the 3rd week of September, so I can get another $500!

“you can do it”… that guy from that Adam Sandler movie.

Sounds like a second tongue piercing a few days before the competition is the order of the day?


nah, one is plenty for me. Just gotta watch what I’m eating, maybe think about working out, situps and stuff… and hopefully my arm will stop going numb and tingly so I CAN work out…:rolleyes: been dealing with that BS for almost 2 months now… 5 doctors later and no one knows what’s wrong with me. :mad:

Sitting in front of a compy for extended periods can cause that kind of nerve pinching or something. A few ideas…

Computer keyboard, is it natural or traditional/linear?

A keyboard desk location/tray that allows you to support your elbows and shoulders without “scrunching” them up?

Mouse, regular or ergo? How about a wrist rest for the mouse?

Hourly stretching and arm exercies (arms over head, one arm at a time…stuff like that)

Just throwing some stuff out there…

No this has to do with her last accident. They would have found this crap already if it was from sitting at a computer. That was the first thing they asked about and checked…

the yellow pole in the parking lot???

No nerve pinching in the neck, had an MRI, my head and neck are both fine, sometimes when my chiropractor does stuff to my arm it will go away temporarily… not carpal tunnel, was tested for that and also had an electromyogram (EMG) to test the nerves in my arm, they are fine too. /offtopic post

:mad: no, he means the rear-ending with the stupid bitch in a red civic.

damn…u punch her in the face??? sorry i wasnt being a dick when i asked about the pole!!! really!!!

No… I was too stunned to get really pissed. I’m not mad that you said something about the yellow concrete pole. :slight_smile:

I have been trying…wanting not really trrying all that hard to gain some weight. I went from low 180’s to mid 190’s in a little over a month lifting like crazy and eating a lot. Now I lift fairly often(2-4 days/week) but not as hard and eat normal and I am just maintaining(weightwise). I need to get my ass motivated to eat a lot and lift like a manchild so I get to the low 200’s.

I’ve been hovering around 190, but I’d either like to drop to 175 or stay around 190, but make more of it muscle. At least I’m not 210 anymore… too many Cali vacations = drinking too much Dos Equis + eating too many nachos.

I found this when I wanted to see how many calories I was burning on my bike.

I also went to kings tonite for desert and I got the strawberry shortcake and I wondered how many hours of biking I undid with that so I went to the kings nutrition info page. Well the deserts aren’t on there. So I wanted to see how much the kings country breakfast packed since I used to eat those like they were going out of style. None of the breakfast combos were on the list but the different breakfast ingredients were. So I got out the calculator and did the math, the kings country breakfast with 3 hotcakes, 2 fried eggs, 2 hashbrowns, wheat toast, butter, syrup, 2 sausages, 2 jellys, you know the works. That bad boy dressed out to over 2100 calories as equipped above. No wonder they don’t put that on the list.

2200 calories! damn. no fucking wonder I was such a fatass. KCB is still the best thing ever, though.