thats awesome man!
fatass! you only weigh 25lbs less than me!
Fuck, looking at that site I see why I lost so much weight back when I used to cycle. I would go on 40 mile rides w/ my pops and we’d average just under 22mph. I was down around 180lbs then… from a 245 start. So that’s somewhere over 2500 calories just in one ride. I need to get back to that point.
I’m also taller and am sure I have more muscle mass. But yes, I am sorta lard-ass right now. No more (probably less) than I was back in PA but I just have more muscle mass right now.
you’re not any taller than me. :slap:
mmmm breakfast is a nouriche super-smoothie, 0 grams of fat, plenty of vitamins. Also, a couple of low-fat pretzels.
i float weight. at the end of last week, sunday to be exact, i weighed a low of 149. this was after doing alot of work and just not eating. i sweat out my water weight.
today i weigh 158. i generally weigh around 160. all i do is drink tons of water (gallon a day at work), tons of iced tea (atleast 1/2 gallon a day) and i eat 1 big ass meal a day. im talking a bag of gnocci, or bag of raviolli, or if im at teh garage-- pizza. All i eat is shit filled w/ carbs.
When i do eat durign the day, it is junk food-- like little debbie cakes or i may eat a p&j sandwhich.
i wouldnt say im thin, although i guess if you can see my ribs, i guess i would qualify as being thin. But on the same token im use to when i wrestled having a body fat of under 8%, and seeing muscle definition. maybe i jsut have a anorexia complex and will allways think im fat, i dont know.
1 LB = 3500 calories
Reduce caloric intake by 500 a day and you lose a pound every week!
as soon as i get off this phone call i’m going to dunkin donuts to get a sourdough bagel sandwich with egg cheese and snausage. 6 foot 225 and i just don’t give a fuck
That would require me to either give up beer or food. Guess which one I’d have to give up!!! :sadwavey:
that would also assume that you know how many calories you already eat a day.
No, it would assume that your caloric intake is equal to your caloric useage. If you take in 500 more calories/day than you burn currently reducing your intake by 500 would only make you stop gaining weight. It has nothing to do w/ knowing how much you currently take in. It just assume a current equalibrium.
that the same thing?
You do have to know how many calories you take in per day, and how many you burn. Most people that I know, have no freakin’ clue about how many calories they eat or drink. Someone joked about giving up drinking or food. I actually would pass on donuts and cookies in the morning just so I could drink a few beers later in the day!
You can reduce calories so low that your body goes in to starvation mode and your metabolism shuts down. Another danger is reducing calories and then start exercising which will cause you to lose lean muscle. Losing lean muscle is not good.
Everybody gives a fuck sooner or later. Most young(er) people give a fuck later.
yeah you have to burn more than you’re taking in. If you are taking in 8,000 calories a day and burning 2,000… and then you drop down to 7,500 calories and are still only burning 2,000, you arent gonna lose any weight.
and I very much so try to eat SUPER healthy during the day so I can put back a few cold ones in the evening. I also make sure to exercise before I know Im gonna be eating something I shouldnt so my metabolsim is in high gear and will be in burn mode instead of store mode. i.e. i hit the elliptical at work for 30 min cause i’ll no doubt be getting into wings and beer during the Steeler game tonight.
when your factoring the amount of calories you burn in a day, you need to establish how many calories your body burns by just being alive. that would be basically lying totally still for 24 hours and not moving in any way. i know this is impossible but you need to think of it that way so you can understand metabolism. this total is anywhere from 1500 to 2200 calories or possibly more.
after that you need to factor any movement you make since it all requires energy (calories) such as walking, working and especially exercise.
the idea behind losing fat is of course burning more calories than you body consumes in a day but for someone ingesting 8000 calories a day to drop to their baseline caloric intake is almost impossible unless your will power is amazingly strong.
getting your metabolism up before you eat will not have much of an effect on what your body does with the supplied nutrients. it will still only use what it needs and the rest will be stored. so that theory is false. eating food actually increases your metabolism. the best way to lose weight is a combination of eating small meals 5 to 6 times a day along with cardio in the morning and in the evening.
my overall thoughts on weight loss are as follows: dont be so critical of the calories you take into your body, be more concerned with the quality of the food you eat. you can easily take a mcdonalds meal of roughly 3000 calories and split it into 5 seperate meals of about 600 calories a piece. this in theory would promote weight loss but there is no quality of food there so its still unhealthy.
a rough break down of where you should get your calories
60% should be from carbs
20-30% from protein
10-20% should be from fat.
also few things are as negative to your health as alcohol. i can breakdown why but i dont think someone without a fair understanding of the body will understand.
as a reference for those of you who wonder about me since being banned from this site the first time ive actually made progress in my life. im now a ISSA certified trainer at the Greentree sportsplex. so hit me up with some questions or for some advice.
Dark. While in the Army soldiers have to maintain a certain bodyfat ratio. They do this by taking your height and weight. this is compared to a chart Body Mass Index such as this. If you are over the max for your height/weight they tape you using a seamstress tape. Neck and abdomen for men. If you have a small neck you are screwed. Most of the time I was in the Army, I was always close to being taped. In 97 I got injured and couldn’t run anymore and put on a whole bunch of unwanted weight. I was dangerously close to the max bodyfat and had to seriously clean up my diet. I cut the carbs from the cookies and that crap. I seriously cut down the amount of beer I drank too, but given one or the other, I would prefer to knock off a few cold ones. It was all about the calorie exchange.
Eating clean is where it’s at.
Who the hell stands around the garage eating cookies or donuts with their buddies?
One of the worst things about alcohol is that it destroys protein synthesis in the body.