anyone remember the b16 swap FS?

I am posting this here because i think it is the most applicable section, i for one hardly ever venture outside of the classifieds section.

I purchased the b16 swap as a favor for a friend of mine, this one: aside from the seller being somewhat late to the transaction there were no issues. i Delivered the swap to my friend, the next day he removed the transmission and found that the main seal was seeping black oil. upon further inspection(removed the valve cover) he found the internals of the motor to be completely charred with oil. I have seen MANY honda engines at this point, motors with over 250k on them and i have never seen one this bad.
As this motor was advertised to have only 48k on it and in good condition, i called the seller.
I had three different conversations with him over the last few days in which each time he agreed that a partial refund was the best course of action. Last night, the final conversation ended with us agreeing on a $400 refund, and me sending him my paypal information. This was a shitty situation but i was somewhat relieved that my friend wasn’t out the total amount of the engine. However, 2 hours later i get a txt msg requesting pictures of the damage. I promptly sent a close up picture of the charred valvetrain. the response to this txt was “that looks normal to me”. I asked him if he was backing out of the refund and he said no, but in his professional opinion that looks like the result of normal use. after that my msges were ignored. this morning he responded telling me that the motor is fine and we were done.

I am not posting this to turn into a discussion. i just wanted people to know what kinda chap Mr. Rob dizzle is in the future.

and since this is the forsale section… i have a boat anchor(with vtec) for sale, i would like $500.

Damn! and to think I was about to buy that a couple weeks ago. Something seemed fishy about the price, but didn’t want to jump to conclusions.

Shitty deal man, hope everything works out for your buddy!

who was the seller ? i didnt see it if it was posted lololololol

My B16 had the same milage when sold and looked spotless. This guy obviously didn’t know a damn thing about the swap. I would be skeptical of the trans in that case also.

Fucked up, let’s kill him

Is this guy on here?

:facepalm, are you retarded? Did you even read the first post?

Yes clown …

post the pics and i’ll see to it he gets banned from classifieds if everything checks out.

SCAMMERS BLOW DICK. However I will reserve judgement until pics are posted.

Robby Dizzle is the guys name

in for pics

Yea , post them pics up !!

Scammers SHUK…Neg rep will ensue on seller


i will post a pic as soon as i figure out how to get it off my cell phone.


txt me the pics and I will put them online.

Robbie, c’mon man, if the engine is as bad as described do whats right, just settle on the partial refund and you both walk away happy. I’m heading up to plattsburgh today (Thurdasay Dec 17th) so you can call me or txt me whenever, I will hand deliver the money back to him, I don’t care, just get it resolved please…

My number is 518 596 5960

everyone else keep your comments to yourself unless it’s something constructive please.

This robbie guy hasn’t been on since the motor was sold anyways.


looks like he was on last night.