Anyone see accident @ Henry Johnson and Central on the 18th?

My pregnant girlfriend was getting a ride from her mother in a Grey Pontiac Vibe on the 18th around 8:30 or 9pm to Albany Med. At the intersection of Henry Johnson and Central a man ran a red light and T Boned them, thankfully on the driver side. They said my girl could have died with the blood thinners she is on if the impact was on her side. The man that did it immediately got out of the car and started towards their car. He saw they were both on the phone at this time and started yelling at them to get off the phone. Her mother called me and my girl called 911. He proceeded to talk to people that walked up to the accident. When the police got there, he & the “witnesses” he was talking to claims he had a green light. It’s a slim chance but I’m hoping someone might read this that saw that accident that night. The police are looking into cameras in the area that could have captured the accident. But any information would be helpful.

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sorry to hear that man. Hope all is well, and it gets straightened out. I didnt see it, sorry.

gl with it all though

There are cameras in front of the Armory which is a block down. Maybe they got a glimpse.

I didn’t see it either but this makes me rage being an expecting father as well. I hope the guy gets what’s coming.

glad to hear ur gf is ok my wife is pregnant and id lose it if somthing ever happened to her or the baby good luck with this man

Yeah when her mother called me… All I could think about was her and my baby. My skin got so hot and I did the wrong thing and took off fast in my car to them wanting blood. I hope they find a camera that saw it. Thanks everyone.

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Good luck man. I’m glad your family is okay.

Probably would have been my reaction too I wouldn’t worry about it. How’s her mother btw? Sounds like she had to have taken the impact?

Thanks once again. Her mother is ok. On crutches, bruised the whole side of her pretty bad. Kidney is bruised too. The car came in on her pretty bad the impact was on her side. Strange and sounds wrong but it turned out to be a great bonding experience since I’ve had to drive her around literally all day.

My girlfriend and the boy are both ok too. They were just worried her blood was mixed with the babies because of the impact or something. Then she almost went into labor way early because of it. It was crazy how she’s on her way to the hospital so she can be admitted for her kidneys and she ends up taking half of the ride in an ambulance.

I’m feeling better about everything now, just wish I knew the truth and if that guy is lying that’s just messed up, especially seeing how the magical witnesses agreed with him. But on the other hand it wouldn’t be right at all if my girl and her mom were lying (especially to me). It’s hard to believe the other side of the story when your babies mom and her mother are swearing to you they had a green light. Never know I guess.

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Im sure your family is telling the truth man. A man yelling at them to get of the phone after smashing into them sounds like a guilty man to me. My fiancee is at 8 months right now and i would have reacted the same way you did. Glad all is well for the most part.

Something similar happened to one of my coworkers But the lady pulled out in front if him and he hit her. After the wreck a bunch of “witnesses” said he was speeding and the woman started acting like she was severely hurt. Luckily our trucks have cameras in them and after the cop watched the clip he went to the hospital ti give the woman her ticket.

Good luck with your situation though and Im glad your family is ok.

Update. Bastards got away with it.

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so who was telling the truth , sometime with an accident you can forget something like the light color , but either way glad they are doing okay , but sucks major ass if they were in the right and this guy got away with it .

Well. They couldn’t find a camera in the area that was overlooking the light. But I am going so stay a firm believer that my girls mom wouldn’t run a red light any time of the day, especially with Kirsten in the car. Atleast everyone is ok. That’s all that really matters.

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