Anyone see the video of the standoff on I-90 yesterday?

My whole family is Firefighters, dad, grandfather. I had one of my fathers at my new house for some reason.

“Renssalear is offering two snipers”. Wasnt’ aware the RPD had snipers. Pretty nuts for a local small department. Hopefully where I’ll work some day.

Who was the guy in the white shooting at? I kept hearing shots but didn’t see him firing… just standing by the cab.

would LOVE to see the dash cam footage on this.

Fucker got what he deserved

i wouldnt shed a tear ,watch if it was some drug deallin jig it will get all blown out wit al sharpton and shit . i think they did well fuck people who think cops are violent and shit look at what they deal wit kill or be killed look at it that way

Most likely referring to Troop G MRT that were training near Renssalear at the time. Those are the NYST version of SWAT and have accompanying trained snipers.

+1. I am absolutely doing the MRT when I have enough time on the job. Fits my personality to a T.

Correct, my uncle used to head the Troop G MRT and is really upset about the whole situation. This whole thing is nuts. I’m just glad I’m not still dating my ex who lived off exit 10… not the kind of girl I’d take a bullet for.

I saw the video and was hopeing to see this gu get beat up on or something… dissapointed, but atleast the troops got em’

He got shot and is in critical condition… a little more than getting beat up.

I couldnt see shit is all i meant by that…

Gotcha… haha, yeah vid was weak but everyone is OK besides the shooter which is great.

From some sources, Tonight I heard he caught 2 to the chest and one between the eyes. Guessing hes one brain dead mofo on life support


I doubt that, that’s insane marksmanship. Then again MRT has dude’s more than capable of that kind of shooting I’m sure.

Yeah, if MRT is showing up at your doorstep you have problems. I sure as hell wouldn’t want them popping rounds off at me.

It’s a good thing I play alot of Halo.

Where Jack Bauer when you need him.

Seriously, this was a shitty event, but in reality, couldnt have happened at a better location. Imagine it in a neighborhood, or downtown.

Boxer, I dunno bout you, but 6 races takes a toll on the body. Im gimping a lil.

why would you doubt that. SWAT and MRT snipers are some of the best in the business. much like special ops & marine corps snipers, their lives revolve around hitting the target shot after shot.

it was an AK47 as far as i know and the guy is still alive. how, im not sure.

I’m not doubting a sharp shooter’s ability to put one between the guy’s eyes but I would assume with a rifle they are using, it would more then likely kill the guy rather then leave him brain dead.

Where are you getting your sources from?