Anyone ski or snowboard?

I fall all the time, rails hurt.

I attempted to ski once…ran into a bunch of pricker bushes and a tree. That was the first/probably last time for me

Used to snowboard years ago, but busted myself up real bad and never healed correctly. I enjoyed Mt Hood and Whistler the best, but Mt Snow was my favorite on this side of the country. Was an instructor in SSS for a year or so giving private lessons to 5-10 yr olds at Maple :smile Those were always fun, getting little kids all amped up for boarding.

Accident ----> out with a few friends @ Mt Snow going on 15 years or so now, went inverted off a fresh pile of gun snow and slipped popping off. Couldn’t get myself around completely and landed on my right shoulder/head from a good height(10-12 feet). Fractured a vertebrae in upper back and broke all my ribs down right side. Knocked out for a few hours(so I’m told). Body never healed up right after the hospital stuff yet considered myself lucky. Worked for SSS a few years after trying to get back into it but just never did. Turned the boards in soon after. Still miss it though.

I have that same trouble going cork, I drop a shoulder and never straighten out…it sucks.


I snowboard too and I used to hit Jimmny. Gotten too lazy and cheap. Their state night+value card is a pretty good deal.

When did you work for SSS? I worked there winter of 97-98 98-99 & 99-00

How did I miss this thread?

Line Chronic Wide skis, Marker Titanium 12.0 Free bindings, Dalbello Rampage boots.
I got the pinstripe outer wear going on. :nod

Rome agent board, Burton Co2 bindings,32 lashed boots and DC superpark BOA boots for a backup.
i usually get a season pass to jiminy peak and try to go as much as i can

05 public enemy’s, rossignol axial 12.0 bindings, Nordica park/slope adjustable boots, And chuck can vouche the steeziest outerwear on the planet. Solid dark brown with baby blue pinstripe parka with matching pants. Mcbitchin can you 5

yup I can 5 :giggedy

When I was in College and had a season pass there, I was there 3 days a week in the park. I still like hitting the park up but I don’t go that big anymore.

Check their website. I got mine for $650.00 but it has gone up since then. You had before November 14th to get it for $650.00. I believe its gone up about $200.00 or so.

you know what, im good on that. with the amount of work im doin now, theres no way in hell ill have a good time spending 800 on a pass, then useing 1/16th the potential.

At this point, its crazy to buy one because they jump the price of it so much. I bought all my stuff pre-season and got it over with so now it’ll seem like its free to me since its been paid off for a while now.

So does anyone here not spend the entire day in the park? Dont get me wrong some of the shit people can do on some of the features in the park is insane. But I personally love the bumps trees and steeps. Riding the same trail all day just gets old after a while imho.

I love riding glades, bumps, and steep stuff too. Like I said before i’m not as big in the park as I used to be. I like blitzing down trails with as little carving as possible and just bombing some trails.

It’s raining here today in phoenix, so that means snow 80 miles north :slight_smile:

Theres only 2 resorts in AZ but both are less than 1 1/2 hour drive from the phoenix so its not bad…durango is a 5-6hr trip and the Utah mountains are 8-9 hour trip…

Can’t beat the 80 deg weather then driving 80-90 miles for this though :wink: Elevation is crazy…San fransisco peaks are like almost 13,000 feet…so the snow is pretty good.

if theres snow to be had elsewhere I’m there.

IIRC it was the season after Freddy’s husband passed away. 99-00 or 00-01, can’t remember. My mom worked PT in the lodge prior. Same year Felix worked as an SB instructor too. Little shorty Pete was the head snowboard instructor then(not sure if he is now). I was trying to get back into boarding but just never grasped it again and left the following season.

Gore and park/pip should never be mentioned in the same sentence. Take your season pass and drive the extra 1 or 2 to whiteface.

I skied park pipe for the last 8 years or so. If the park is shit we are usually the guys skiing switch past racers, jibbing stupid shit and goofing off and having fun. Between myself and my brother, we usually have about 3-5 of other friends are out every weekend, mostly whiteface… but also hit up Killington, Stratton and MT. Snow. I have been building a house, and rode sleds last year more than skiied but got out enough, and still could throw down so I was happy. We are down a rider this year, he moved out to Mammoth and is working with the P&P crew out there. If we are not on the hill, we are in the city doing some urban shit. Since I got older, and didnt like finishing out a season with broken bones, I backed off alot. I am usually the guy with the Cannon 3ccd or sony HD following someone off a 60ft step down or something. I dont really do rails anymore, just like to go really big, hit stuff that other people dont think can be done, and just have a nice flow through the park or pipe, and stay in one piece.

I would be down for a shift day trip and meet some of you guys.