Anyone with a truck wanna take a roadtrip?

ok heres the deal, i’m getting my car tuned july 3rd in NYC area… anyone wanna help out and trailer my car down? obviously i’d pay for gas, and you’d be the first to see the :snky: numbers :lol: it’d be july 2nd 3rd and possibly 4th, mike from innovative is coming also and we’d be meetin up with howie while we’re down there. who’s in :slight_smile:

might be going down…but no trucky

Remember, July 4th fireworks in nyc > *

thats y i want to go …i was there last yr for them GOOD STUFFS

awwww man let me see if were still going to F1 at indy, i always wanted to go to NYC

:word: D.C is a close 2nd though.

F1 Indy> NYC FIreworks IMO

oh and obviuosly it don’t HAVE to be a truck, just anything that can tow a car on a trailer :stuck_out_tongue:

again…my ar aint towing urs

I could try to tow it with the SLobalt… it would be good for some comic relief if nothing else :bloated:

Dude, i may be down…

the blazer is a monster!

ill let you know fo sho soon…

You can stay at my house if you want

Having towed many vehicles on full trailers in the past…It would be recommended that you DEF. get something V8 that can properly tow. An explorer/blazer just doesnt have the nut to get there and back safely…trust me I know…and when Mr. Tow comes out to drag your weak 6cyl SUV and your trailer w/ your car…its not fun.

I have had great success towing bigger distance with…Tahoe, F-150 either 8cyl, Chevy 1500.

I’d love to help out, but I doubt you’d want to fill me up at 13ish mpg. Plus I don’t have a hitch yet

Just drive it down un-tuned, that’s what I did :gotme:


or have a certain turbo truck tow it down…maybe

for what its gonna cost me in gas to drive the car there i might as well keep the miles off it and get it towed lol

towing isn’t so much about power

it’s about the chassis that’s towing it.

Let me see what i can do, i have a g20 van.

if i didn’t live on the wrong end of your trip i could help ya out…sorry.