anyone work for goodyear or dunntire?

if so which location and what position im applying at both these places im just wondering how they are to work for and what typical starting pay and hours are

another reason not to go to a chain store

if your trying to be a smart ass gtfo my thread.

think dunn tire wanted to start me as a tire bitch at $9/hr about a year and a half ago.

valvoline wanted oil change bitches for $9hr FT.
that was in march i think it was.
turned that down 'cause i got a wayy better job.
but otherwise i’d be there.

i work at the goodyear on french and union…

dont let people mislead you, i work at valvoline, theres plenty of OT and plenty of tips, ill take home about a 600$ per week in the summer on top of 300$ cash in tips from customers tax free

and silly me got an education and worked hard to get where i am… and still didn’t make that much here in buffalo…

people tip for oil changes and shit like that?

That sucks

note where he said “plenty of OT”

I’ll pass on that :shoot:

what’s wrong with OT?
I’ve been working 60 hour weeks for the last 4 weeks, and expected to continue for half a year or so… maybe going to 80hour in the near future. :\

prof techs are sooo underpaid, its an industry problem

i would have made more after 6 months @ Geico w/benefits or after 1 year of good standings @ Walmart also with benefits, it really hurt when i did the research when ppl told me this and I found out this was true.

There is a difference between a tip and taking money for illegally inspecting cars. I also doubt you make over 11 a hour at valvoline…

that too.

your technically supposed to claim that income, there is no “TAX” free income really, well Active duty deployed but you get my drift.

I need suspension done on my car. Can you help?

nothing if you like it, I value my free time too much

my theory is to have a job that pays over minium wage , that way you dont have to work overtime to pay the bills

13 months till i get my degree hopefully =) then speedped can take my spot =D

but nitroinsane is correct, i make 9 an hour, if i work a 65 hour week ill bring home about 700$, plus my extra cash may bring me over a grand on a good week

and remember, i work for 9 an hour BUT…

valvoline is open 10 hours a day, we do about 13 oil changes on avg

that means i spend about 3 hours actually working

the other 7 hours: doing hw, studying, eating, watching tv, playing football, waxing my car/bike, taking a 20 min break to fuck my gf and come back to work

the only reason i wouldnt make a life out of it is that the health insurance is terrible, theres no pension, and im almost done with school

Im on nights now, I work about an hour out of the entire shift, watch tv the other 7, make about $650 a week w/o ot, awesome insurance, pension with minium contribution on my part, think I will stay put for awhile