anyway to get info off a dead hardrive?

my hard drive decided to die yesterday in the middle of file transfers so i was wondering if there is any way i can get any of the information off of it.

not that i know of…sorry

There is but it is expensive. Someone from my last company needed some stuff off a hard drive and it was around $1000 to get it.

depends on what you mean by ‘died’

does it spin? take power?

did it die windows-wise, or hardware…?

^ what he said. If it spins and most of the partition is in tact then its possible to recover the data. If it involve physically rebuilding the drive then your talkin much loot $$$

well i hear it turn on and run and it gets warm i just cant boot up my computer with it

you gotta remember i am not to good with computers well with technical stuff atleast

whats the error message your getting?

it wont detect prim master or something a long those lines… goes to auto detect and soesnt find it

sounds like you forgot to reset teh jumper!!! :smack:

-turn it off. open up the computer case. check the power cables coming from the power supply and check the ribbon cables from the mainboard and make sure they are fully pushed into the socket on the drive.
-turn it on.
-when the computer brand logo comes up, look for ‘BIOS’ menu prompt
-hold the [delete] key or F1/F2 depending what brand computer; this will take you into the BIOS menu
-once you get into the BIOS look for something along the lines of IDE devices or hard drives. you should
have 2 IDE contollers / 2 channels per controller, for a total of 4 channels
-check to see if hard disk 0 shows up on the 1st channel

give an update, go from there
hope that helps

but yeah… if this is the drive that you slaved to transfer files then you just forgot to reset the jumper… if it’s the same HD you’ve been using for ever… then open the case and make sure the IDE is tight on the HD and on the board…

if both of those things didn’t work… get into the BIOS and reset to default settings and try to get it to find the HD

i’m guessing on jumpers though. :tounge:

^yea but he said it died during transfer, if it was an issue with the jumpers then there would have been a conflict at the BIOS level and he wouldnt even be able to start a file transfer let alone boot the computer

i reset the jumpers and all that so i have no clue now… i dunno how to do the shit in the bios though… tried playing around with it last night… it was asking me for a boot disk though… imma go buy one and if i can get it to work ill leave it alone. if not ill just put the new one in.

computer geeks suck, they no too much stuff just off the top of their head :0

yeah… my bad. i thought the drive was used in another computer as a slave and you just tried to put it back in… i would make sure you have the correct jumper settings… as in go to the manufators website in the technical section and find the jumper settings for that HD… i would try master… OR cable select

theni would just make sure you are using the same IDE clip… the ribbon wire.

there is a place that fixes hard drives …but it cost a lot…the place is called drive savers

eh i said fuck it and bought a new 120 gig for like 110 now all i have to do is call microsoft

pop in a windows xp cd and boot it up


Originally posted by turbovw18
pop in a windows xp cd and boot it up

wish it was that easy all i have is the xp upgrade and my 98 cd is scrathed to all hell