Apartment Dogs

I am going to go look at/pick up a Miniature Pinscher this Friday. Sorry Be_Rad. He looks like he might be drossed with a miniature dauschund too.


Cute dog. Most definitely a dachshund head, looks a lot like our pup, but ours has long hair. Good Luck!

no it looks just like a stag red miniature pincher pup because that’s what it is. i used to breed and raise them i had a black and rust female and a red male. the female was the perfect lap dog she was about 8lbs. the male was about 13lbs

I thought his belly looked long. Although I am just looking at a picture- I’ll see him Friday. :slight_smile:

Congrats on the choice Jenn, he’s so cute! AwWwWwWw

Great choice on the Mini Pinch! They are awesome dogs.

Looks like a winner

that’s actually stag red. it has to much black in it to be called red

Worst idea ever.

whats sonny think

He thinks the dog is cute.

So was not changing a timing belt in a car after everyone including the owners manual told you you should have thousands of miles ago.

Until you live in my house stfu.

bad timing in both respects :down:

buying a dog against the wishes of your roommates… i see no problem with it.

go for it jenn


good thing none of YOUR roommates have ever purchased a dog :asshat:

oohed. technicality!

p.s.-change ur timing belt!

can we make a saddle for the dog and make buster ride it?

we will see.

BeRad- You are out in two months. and BESIDES that fact 2 months ago it was ok for me to get one. You are never home and it will more than likely not effect your life.

The floor in the kitchen will always be dirty as long as I am the only one cleaning it… Dog pee or no dog pee.

no… it’s cool with me… and i know you aren’t talking about B_rad because we had this discussion two months and two weeks ago and he was on board with having a cool dog. i’d hate for you to post something misinformed, i hear people on this site are known for pointing that kinda stuff out.
