APD :tup: ?

Gotta give credit where it’s due.

I wake up Tuesday morning, see the Schoolbus slowly creeping by my car parked on the street. Get out there 30 min later to leave for work and find this.



Call the Bus Garage and tell them what happened.

“Did the driver stop?” nope
“Did you actually see the bus hitting your vehicle?” (impossible to see unless you were in the street when it happened).
“Did you go out to your vehicle immediately?” nope

“well, we will examine the bus and call you back” :cjerk:

Few days later they call back and say they see not damage, Yada Yada. :spank:

So I actually call Amhest PD.:eekdance:

Cop shows up, really friendly and helpfull, takes my story, measures the height of the damage and goes to take a look at the bus.

Calls me back and tells me he’s sure they will pay the damage over the driver taking a “hit and run” on the license if they try to fight me on it.

Here’s the bus.

Looking closer

Is that part of my wheel?!?

Sure is.

…the rest





very cool that it worked out for ya

just another reason i hate people. :tup: to the APD though for handling it so well.

Nice man. just another reason i hate school busses

lol, that’s awesome. Not what happened to your car, but the outcome.

Women drivers…

that kinda suck but atleast they didnt get away with it

Good times… :tup:

nice man, glad it all worked out.

Damn that sucks but it looks like you’ll get it taken care of.

Another reason why I never park my car on the street. Glad to see APD doing a good job though. :tup:

Nice :tup:

shocked I am that they would do that at all. way to go.

Wow, that’s pretty sweet that it all came together. :tup:

awesome :tup:

Send them the highest estimate you can find. Fuckers…

Very cool.

you’d think they would atleast try to buff it out to hide that stuff after lying to you like that lol glad everything worked out for you in the end and they got caught :tup:

god damn school bus drifters!

“I tripple dog dare you” :wink:
