
Ok, Ive been told by Dr’s that I was born without a appendix, Ive seen my MRI’s and such and ya I dont have one, I guess its really rare, but it happens…Just curious if anyone here is the same way or knows anyone?

I want mine removed

i guess i don’t have any lungs? i breath anaerobically. its pretty cool i guess.

In all seriousness I would think that would be a sign of evolution because the appendix is not needed and is on its way out of homo sapiens.

Does it matter?


I read something like that too…

Not really lol but thought it was interesting:thumbup btw I think I saw ur car on central last night? if so looks nice:thumbup

IIRC all your apendix was for back in the day was helping digest raw meet and keeping you from getting sick

something like that

What time? I was at I love NY pizza around 730ish.

I think so :thumbup

Yeah that was the ol’ Cobalt.

And let me just say this: buffalo chicken pizza ftw.

Omg they do have the best buffalo chicken pizza for sure:bowdown

had a slice last night, for SURE. LOVE that shit

ROFL tell that to my friend that was born with one NUT!!!

His nick name was “Uni”. hahahaha and he thought it was funny as hell too and people would ask what UNI was for, and he would be like I only have one ball! Funny kid actually.

haha… I dont think my evolution theory fits all situations.

mmmmm, close, but it seems like its a vestigial organ leftover from the more herbivorous ancestors. but yes, in general we dont really need it.

Actually maybe it does…

According to an article I read, the male chromosome is getting smaller and smaller every generation while the female chromosome stays unchanged. Future without men? Possibly.

no fun in that… unless your ilya

IDFK every teacher I ever talked to about the damn thing said it was used to help filter out bacteria when eating raw meat so you dident get sick…

He was probably born with two, one was probably effed up so they popped it out when he was fresh out the womb though.

That doesn’t mean it’s going away. :retardclap