Apprenticeship - looking for employer

Hey Bing… sent you a pm.

got it.

anyone else interested in auto collision just get in touch with me.

I am not used to anything less than 45 hours a week. Where I was working before I was doing 50-75 hours a week, grueling work. I’d kill to get into HVAC/Plumbing/electrical/pipefitting. 40 an hour once you are licensed out west as your starting wage. All I want is enough $$$$ to build my car and compete lol.

I hear you man^^ Get yourself into a trade than, why not? It’s fair money to live off of with a nice house and car (thats what I’m going for).

You don’t even have to move out west, there is enough money in the gta.

It’s vetting in though. How do you get you start? From what I have gathered, it’s knowing someone that can get you in and I don’t know a soul that can vet me in. I only know of one person that is in a trade that I want and he said that it’s pretty hard to get a Jo. And recommended cold calling. Everything that I have seen ad wise is calling for 3rd yr apprentices and things of that nature. Getting that first year in is the hardest.

My goal is to get in a trade this year. I am low on funds because I Los my job due to my upcoming court case and had to spend money I had put aside on living, so I need like two months st my new nob to catch up on things before I can afford a full transition. If someone has an in for a 1st year, I would really like to discuss it if you’re willing.

Are you kidding? It’s probably the easiest trade to get in. It’s going to be in high demand in the next 5-10 years due to all the retirees’. Try career development at a YMCA. You gotta start at like 11$ hour apprentice

Tried that they were useless. M one rep gave me some papers, told me this how you get in it’s a high demand trade so everyone wants in and it’s hard to get in. Let’s focus on getting you employed elsewhere and you can focus on getting it with my methods outlined later.

I got bills to pay. I couldn’t afford to fuck around with them so I got myself a job and now no longer qualify for their program anyway which the only useful thing about it was the subsidy for the trade. I"d hav to sell my S14 and hold my breath before she’d get anywhere. She was a kid, and played around like one. I neede a go-getter on the same page, one that could put a workhorse like me In a position to get work done.

She KNEW I didn’t want to see her. I requested someone else and they refused to allow me wait, they said it was “first come first serve” and she was standing in the corner waiting for my paper to drop.

At the end of the day the most help she offered was doing up an action plan and resume building. I don’t need help with eitheir, I don’t need anything from them but CONNECTIONS an I was left to do all of the networking, she wasn’t gonna do shit. So I never met her again.

If your looking to getting into electrical most colleges will place you for co-op, then once you have your license its gravyy