April 25th cruise, updates start on page 15

I know my car wont be done but Ill take the truck if I go.

+1. i dont understand where this keeps coming from, i don’t have epic reactions to this “flaming” like travis does, i embrace it, and think it’s actually very funny (especially chris’s video :rofl ) and somewhat deserved. the only reason why people keep “hating on” travis, to my knowledge at least, are his comical reaction and attempted retorts, i do neither of these, i’m not talking about any BMW or “next car” any more, and yet the “flaming” still comes, yet only from a few people…

bull shit you mention your “next car” all the time you lying sack of shyt

Ohhh and heres dave with the call out

ya im calling BSim tired of hearing about this BMW shit

Shut up and go make a video so I can entertain my self

well see, im sick of hearing ppl bitchen about gettin butthurt

Fuck it, its Travis. Do you really care about him getting butthurt?

Dont use travis…use pete as he is always a good target

Use both.

Do we have a set route yet or are we kinda just going to drive around randomly?

were going to let u drive around randomly, the rest of us have a set route.


I’ll eventually update the first post for the people that don’t want to read the thread. Don’t hold your breath.

don’t get too angry :rofl:rofl:rofl

I’ll come out for this… hopefully I don’t have to work whatever day it’s on. If it’s nice I’ll take the bike out… finally got bout 30min of riding last night after work before it started this snow/freezing rain crap

So noone really answered my question… is this going to be some kind of idiotic cruise where everyone drives 50mph over the limit weaving in and out of lanes and cutting people off, or is it going to be a nice casual cruise with a little getting on the throttle here and there. I’m down of course but I am not going to beat the balls off of my car for hours on end. Spirited, yet relaxing, cruise FTW.

i hope this

If people are going to drive like 16 year old kids who just got their licenses I am turning around and going the fuck home.

^ Dude, what are you going to expect. You put this many cars together people are going to drive dumb. Just hang back, I’m sure there will be a casual group just cruising.

Yeah that’s how this thing usually works out. Man do I have a route for you guys some day in the future.