April 25th cruise, updates start on page 15

Parents. Nothing else 99 percent of the time. You don’t make money selling parts off of your kitchen table.

then dont drive like a sissy :slight_smile:

no but some of those roads come up on your quick…I wont be driving like a jack ass.

ford, screx duramax. ford or cummings.

wat. I thought it was a lot farther, i dont mind driving my car.

Yea, i dont mind, i just will prolly run pump. race isn’t readily available.

? I have a tiny house lol, im brokeeee.

ryan, post in the official thread. kthnkbai

Bumping so the kiddies don’t forget…can we get this stickied?

any thread im in gets sticky at some point.

So is everyone going to be driving like maniacs or is it going to be a nice casual cruise for the most part?

Most likely normal given the route we are taking

casual cruise for the most part…

although I am leading the pack :slight_smile:

Does that Camaro even have a steering wheel or does it only go in a straight line… haha

are you forgetting I have full aftermarket suspension :wink:

it handles pretty damn well for being a pig

I know I was just bustin your balls


and trav put the date in the OP

so when and where is this goin down??? im looking foward to it

4/25/09, im not 100% on the location(s), there were a lot of options thrown around and i cant remember what we decided on or if we did at all

I should be down. Ryan kramer will not have an e36 m3 at this point.

I won’t be down. Car will not be done. Prolly ride shotgun with someone

Calm down. The way you keep mentioning Ryan and his car he would like to buy, sounds almost like there’s jealousy, or maybe the thought that you’ll have the slowest car of the 3 of you. Again.

sweet, so i can watch you drive off the road?