Are all cops corrupt? Or are there good and bad police?

i need some opinions for my college class…i wrote a few paragraphs so far and was seeing if anyone else had anything to add into it…

thanks for the help

Do you even think that the majority of cops are corrupt?

i do think the majority of the cops are corrupt, this comes from the lips of a top member of the BPD, was former deputy commisioner and now is head of IA. Thier pockets are lined, if yuo don’t think so your just nieve.

no but i believe that about 5% or a few are…

my dads a cop and hes deff not corrupt

i think it depends. i kno quite a few APD, and it seems to be divided into 3 categories:

  1. the ‘fresh meat’ right out of the accademy. they pull anyone and everyone over for the stupidest things and they are hell-bent on going by the book. they’re also cocky, arrogans sonofabitches about thier job and authority as well.

  2. the old guy who has been there, seen that, and pretty much just waiting on his retirement. they dont give a rats ass about anything and as long as you dont do something totally stupid, they wont evne bother pulling u over, and if they do pull you over, its REALLY easy to get off with a warning. if u do get a ticket, they usually wont show up for court cuz they dont give a shit.

  3. old guy thats been there for ever that never learnined to calm down. they will pull u over for anything and everything…and you ARE getting a ticket.

I am fortunatel enough that most of the ones i know fall under the #2 category, and they’re also some of the nicest people i have ever met. I also know some1 that falls into the #3 category, but i talk to him all the time (hes a mailbox holder at my work) and he’s actually a really nice guy and if i got pulled voer by him, im sure he’d let me off (mayb not, depends what i was doing i guess).

as far as getting jobs and promotions there, its not really about how much ass you can kiss, beleive it or not. When my mom got her job, the only person she knew was her best friend that worked at the front desk, and one officer (who is now a Capitan and now her boss, coincedentually). back in the day, it used to be about who u knew, but now they more or less just hire people that are best fit for the job. and as far as APD is concerned, they all HATE Satish…as a matter of fact, the APD union is suing his ass, which i think is absolutely hillarious.

Im not sure if thats what u were looking for, but if this is a school project or something big like that, im sure my mom would be happy to talk to you and answer any questions that you would want to know, or shoe could at least put u in contact with some1 over there who might be better able to answer your questions. if u need, u know where the PM button is…

:word: I live in Akron, we have a bunch of #2s and a few #1s. the #2s take most opf the shifts and are awsome. they don’t care about a damn thing as long as you dont put them in a bad situation. Alot of cops are pretty cool. i have had alot of expieriance in emergancy situations…after dealing with people for so long, you become a dick because you are tire, and pissed off and sick of it. I know its part of the job, but still. This reflects alot of how they act.

oh man I just want to sit back and read everyone else’s response before opening my mouth on this one.

this is the same thing as saying all black people carry guns, or that all mexicans carry knives.

i mean, they probably all do (the mexicans), but this is definitely something you cant be saying.


we should change the name of this place to NYHomework

haha, My step-dad is a cop and his dad was a cop, and I spent a good part of my childhood around other cops.

It varies as a person, as well as what they do. The detectives I know could give a fuck it someone flew by them at 95mph, its not their job and they have better things to do.

My step-dad started in boat patrol, then did parks, then detective, thenwas road patrol til they forced him into retirement. Loved road patrol, he would have good days and bad days, sometimes he look for stupid kids being jackasses and bust them, other times he couldnt care less. Was a total racist, not nearly as bad as his father though. All that being said he was the NICEST guy ever, you ever needed help with anything he’d do all he could. He has most definately seen it all and told me most of it, and it is for the most part completely fucked up.

His friends varied to, JC was road patrol then moved the the CS (crime scene) unit. Would hurt a fly til you fucked with him or his partner. I remember a story of a guy running from them and assaulting his partner. So when they catch the guy they hogtie him. After carrying him to the car, they are throwing him into the back seat, “1…2…3” count of “3” they smash his head into the door jamb and drop him face first onto concrete.

There were some total dicks too, fat sloppy bastards that somehow made it through a 2 year college and through the academy. I hated those guys instantly, you can just tell they became cops so they could carry a gun and a self-important attitude. Just itching to let both loose.

so bottom line, they’re human, they just happen to have badges and a gun.



The problem is the general public tends to never see the good cops. Good cops don’t sit around all day running traffic stops. They either stay cops but focus on more important things, or move up to detective level.

No, the general public mostly only gets face to face time with the ones on their power trip, pulling over the guy going 10 over on a sunny day with no traffic, just because they can. We had one show up at our block party in fact. He worked as both an Amherst PD and volunteer fireman, and we have a fire truck come during the block party for the kids to check out. The other fireman was cool, I was talking to him for a while, and someone at the block party went by on a gas scooter. Well mr supercop has to go on his rant about how it’s not legal, and how they’ll go as far as taking them away, ticketing etc etc. I could tell he was one of the power trip ones, his chest immediately puffed out as he starts he rant. He was probably 170lbs if he was lucky, but the badge and gun make him a big man. Probably making up for years of wedgies and swirlies when he was in grade school. It’s cops like him that give the other 99% a bad name.

So no, no way are all cops corrupt. In fact it’s a very small minority, but unfortunately that minority are the same ones that basically “good” people have to deal with the most.

Not all cops are corrupt but all unions are so they are guilty of aiding and abetting.:wink:
End of story.

thanks for all the help … deffintly gave me enough for my paper…

The few ba ones make the otherslook bad too, just like everything else.
Reminds me of a joke though

Guy gets pulled over fro speeding, cop gets out and ask him why he going soo fast. Guy replies that he’s on his way to work. Cops asks what he does for a living. Guy responds “I’m a rectum stretcher” Cop says what the heck is a rectum stretcher. The guy says" i take rectums and stick two finers and and start to stretch them out, then 3 fingers, and then the whole hand and i keep doing this till it’s 72" long " Cops says “What the hell do you do with a 6 foot asshole?” Guys says “give him a gun and a badge”

nah… deffinitly not a majority. I know a few cops and they’re all good guys… no different than anyone else, just a different line of work. Thats not to say that their heads don’t get a little big but you know what I mean.

When I was a kid though, I had a different opinion, but as I grew up I learned that they were just doing their jobs.

A quick story too… when my friend died in Iraq last year, his brother (also a good friend), his cousin and I went to have some drinks at the bar. I may have had one more than I should have (I know, very dumb) and drove. Got pulled over about a mile up the road and the cop gave me a field sobriety and all that jazz. I wasn’t really all that drunk, but the fact that I was nervous combined with being cold outside and having a few in me didn’t help any. So long story short… ANOTHER fuzz showed up and I was thinking “great… their gonna give me a DUI or something”.

To make a long story short, he somehow knew about the situation with Jake passing away and told me “you shouldn’t be driving that mustang in this weather, especially with a few drinks in ya… I’ll tell you guys what I’m gonna do for ya’s”. “Drive you car to the bar your going to, I’ll follow ya to make sure you get there safely… park it for the night and when you guys want to leave, give the station a call and I’ll pick you guys up and drive ya’s home”

oh… he drove us home and showed up to the funeral the following day

:tup: :tup: to a cool ass cop… again, I know… dumb on my end but nothing I can do about it now… the past is the past

Holy shit hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

MikeRi24. Shut up.

Writing tickets is not corrupt. Not writing tickets is not corrupt.

That is what we call discretion, and its a wonderous tool, that the police use everyday.

Henry. In reality corruption rates are very low. In NYC where theres more than 10,000 police officers. 5 or 6 may be corrupt. Its just, when they do something or get caught…they are the ones we hear/read about.

Nobody hears about the 100,000+ good/legal arrests made by the NYCPD. They only hear about the 2 or 3 bad ones.

When you do something good for someone…they will tell 1 person. When you do something bad to someone… they will tell 10 people.

it has nothing to do with writing tickets and being ass holes. don’t listen to these people.

there are numerous reasons why police are ass holes. it has nothing to do with being corrupt. again, being an ass-o…doesn’t mean tey are corrupt. everybody has a bad day.

:tup: to all that help!!!

whos your teacher?