are you fat? wanna lose weight and get ripped?

read this book.

Too much reading. I’ll just stick with lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains, dairy, etc. No junk food. Oh yeah, lots of exercise too. Just like my Grandma told me.

from a quick skim it looks like a TKD.
if you’re working out regularly this is the way to go.

if you’re lazy/busy i would suggest a CKD to people.

i will have to sit down later and read the whole article, i would like to see his break down of marcos.


Too much reading. I’ll just stick with lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains, dairy, etc. No junk food. Oh yeah, lots of exercise too. Just like my Grandma told me.


+1 minus the whole granny thing haha.

Anywho, looks like it has some nice recipes in there though!

i really wish i had a second or more to read through it, and even though it is mentioned a couple times, this is solely for cutting for competition purposes. don’t confuse it for a weight loss regiment or a guide towards healthy living.

i too would like to see the macros it recommends. while bulking, i try and stick to .4g fat/target lean body weight (TLBW) 2.5g fat/tlbw 1.4g pro/tlbw, cutting .5g fat/tlbw 1.2g pro/tlbw 1g carb/tlbw

my main nutrition resource is also a big participator on, his book is pretty good.


UD2 is an amazing diet that lets you pig out for 36 hours a week on carbs like no other. I know it comes down to having the discipline to eat clean, but theres nothing like pounding down 6000-7000 calories of carbs in 36 hours… especially if you’re like me and love to eat… a bit too much.

UD2 ftw.


UD2 is an amazing diet that lets you pig out for 36 hours a week on carbs like no other. I know it comes down to having the discipline to eat clean, but theres nothing like pounding down 6000-7000 calories of carbs in 36 hours… especially if you’re like me and love to eat… a bit too much.

UD2 ftw.


carb cycling has been proven to work over and over and over again. i’m gonna try it out in the summer. although i think it’s based on the GI index, which has recently been proven to be pointless and not helpful

What’s the point of that?


carb cycling has been proven to work over and over and over again. i’m gonna try it out in the summer. although i think it’s based on the GI index, which has recently been proven to be pointless and not helpful


i do a CKD and have dropped 4% of my body fat in the last 3 months, and thats with very little exercise, and too much cheating. if it werent for buying my house, and it being our busy season at work im sure i would have been even more successful with my recomp.

things are starting to slow down here now, and i have my equipment setup, so hopefully i can get my workouts in more regularly.


carb cycling has been proven to work over and over and over again. i’m gonna try it out in the summer. although i think it’s based on the GI index, which has recently been proven to be pointless and not helpful


Carb cycling is great, even with my not so perfect efforts I works great. I usually do something like 3 days of less than 75g, then a day of about 100g, then a day of 200g and back to below 75g. Not exactly perfect but maintains the same idea. And it works! Although when I went through my first large weight loss routine I stuck to the 40/40/20 thing religiously. Now that I have settled down to a somewhat consistent weight, playing with my carb intake works well.

Man when I switched from carbs to injection, I became ripped overnight instantly.

Wait I seem to be lost here, what I am doing in a health thread.

:word: Is carb cycling kind of like sequential turbos?

Interesting stuff. I am more apt to follow work out plans than eating plans but I will have to sit down and read this in depth at some point.

I was happy to see grapefruit was thought of so highly. I have been eating them quite a bit lately.


Interesting stuff. I am more apt to follow work out plans than eating plans but I will have to sit down and read this in depth at some point.

I was happy to see grapefruit was thought of so highly. I have been eating them quite a bit lately.


any body builder/trainer will tell you that the kitchen is just as if not more important than the gym.


any body builder/trainer will tell you that the kitchen is just as if not more important than the gym.


Yup, and the #1 thing always abs are formed in the kitchen, not from hours of cardio/crunches.


Man when I switched from carbs to injection, I became ripped overnight instantly.

Wait I seem to be lost here, what I am doing in a health thread.


Damn you crack me up. :smiley:


any body builder/trainer will tell you that the kitchen is just as if not more important than the gym.


Thats true.