Are you OCD about your car?

I am OCD, but I dont wash or clean it… except like 3 times a year… Haven’t vaccumed it in over a year LOL. But why take your car to a dealer? I mean its a oil change a hour job if you dunno wtf your doing. But as far as parking goes I never go to anal I just park were I feel its a “bigger” space.

In my case, all oil changes are synthetic and free during warranty period. But even still, I’d rather do it myself now, just in case. Don’t want to risk burning something up because some dimwit didn’t tighten my oil plug enough. Not to mention, it only took one time of some moron spilling extra oil down the side of my block, or not wiping up what fell out when the filter was removed, and that was it… all on my own, now.



I feel exactly the same way. I don’t have the most expensive car on the road, but it’s new, I paid for it, it is my first new car, and I am proud of the way it looks and I like to keep it looking pristine.

Thats the main reason y i buy used cars.cause if it allready has a scratch or a dent its not as big of a deal if something else happens.but dont get me wrong i get pissed but i get over it cause my car isnt in perfect condition to begin i have a DD so the firebird doesnt go out much.i do keep both cars clean and usually wash and vacuum them both once a week and wax them once a month.

ocd here. i really don’t know why i am but i am. I have had my TA for 5 years now and only have 12,800 miles on it and most of the miles were put on going to the track and beatn’ the hell out of it so go figure. i never drive in the rain and always park it far away from everyone. i worry about rain and door dings but not breaking the motor,tranny,or rear end. i need to get my head examined i guess.


Yes, it’s a Jeep Grand Cherokee, but It’s still mine and worked my ass off for it, so I keep it in the best condition possible. Washed minimum once a week, interior every 2 weeks, waxed once a month, engine cleaned when necessary. I have the most insurance that I can afford to go with it… Because shit does happen, and I’m going to be ready for it. I also park as far away as possible in parking lots (because of a few chips and dings from parking up close.)

I wash my cars once a year after the winter to clean off the salt. I let the rain take care of the cleanings for the rest of the year.

As long as the inside of the engine is clean, that’s all that I care about. The outside of the car I could care less about.

the RX-7 yes
the neon fuck no
the suburban…have i ever even washed it???

i observed some shithead in his new charger at my work the other day parking the shitbox 3 rows away from any other vehicle and then he took 4 parking places diagonally so it was more like 6 if nobody wanted to be a dick and park too close. that is the dickbag i don’t like to see. if i can park a little ways away or next to a nicer car i will. i used to be OCD but now that i’ve hit 3 deer and tons of door dings and a wall falling on the bastard-mobile… i’m over it.

I am, I dont like to leave it parked anywhere. and anytime it does its all locked up and the CLUB is put on it. Even if i am only going in for 5 min.

And other people touching it/messing with it.

None at all

I used to be when the car was newer and even last summer but a few little accidents cured that.

I gave up on keeping my paint nice. Black + daily DD = hell.

I dont have time to wash my car more then once every few weeks. Does need a waxing tho, too lazy to do it by hand.

yeah i am ocd about my car ask the wife she will tell you i wash it atleast once a week and that includes atleast 2 coats of wax the inside gets cleaned every other day usually

yesterday was a nice wash 1 coat of mequiars cleaner wax, 2 coats of mequiars gold class and 2 coats of turtle wax ice polish

and winter doesn’t stop me got to love working in a garage with lifts

come wash the 240

maybe if you lived closer i would think about it, why dont you drop it off at my house ill try and have it done some time this year it just may need new tires when you get it back thats all

A clean car is a happy car…

…until the motor goes… :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk:

Then its like, fug it…beater ftw! :burnout:

After 1 deer…ya think “awww”…2 deer “gawd dammit”…mailbox “wtf”…but after the motor goes :gives ^3497290

Now I feel that bird shit adds character to the car. It’s a great feeling after spending countless hours/dollars on cars till this point in my life.

might as well put the clutch in too :rofl: 4 gear burnouts