Areas Best Tuner for the Vette ?


No, see i cant help but wanna smash the computer when someone is spitting shit out there mouth and have NO f’ing idea! Pretty much everyone that has shit to say dosent have a car to get tuned at RLMS and all there shit talking is is hear say bull shit! Its like me going on some Honda site and dogging morgan, i have no experience w/ him and have no reason to shit talk.

Tony dont smash your computer,ive done that twice,but if you do bring it to Shady at Computer
99frc def at least got talk to howard,it cant hurt or even check out the place john reccommended and go where you are comfortable.Hell im even gonna ask him about tuning the 350z if i can get all my ls2 stuff together.

This is half of a honda site. :lol (just kidding around)


Who ever you go to, make sure they do NOT lock the ECU. If they do, then you are pretty much ‘locked’ into going back to that person to tune it. Most people that lock them don’t want others to see their shitty tune, hence the reason they do it.

i dont hate anyone, i dislike what i have herd countless numbers of times about how he treats people and how many horror stories come out of that damn place. just because he is “building” these Camaros with a fat ass tune running 12’s for sub 70+k doesnt equate to him being the best tuner around, PERIOD! ill build a $5000 civic that will spank those POS cars and put the rest into my house and live like P-diddy, son. :retardclap

stop getting all butt hurt.

ECS or Vette Dr’s is what i would recommend.

I’m sure you’re trying to defend/stick up for RLMS but you speaking on their behalf like this certainly isn’t doing them any good. Insults, callouts, bragging about how much someone’s wheels cost (how does this affect how well you can tune a car again?) and making it sound like it is some exclusive place that only “worthy” cars can visit certainly aren’t things that a responsible owner of a shop would do.

Makes RLMS sound like a bunch of hot-head elitists who have no idea how to deal with bad rumors.

jeff evans

:facepalm you swing off his nuts hard

haha relaxxxx… you ready to take some data logs?

yeah sure come on down

alright… gimme like an hour, gotta poop out these hamburgers

just wash them down with some Redline Hateraid and u will be all good.

HERE SAY!!! and the POS camaros made the top 5 list in the country and are goin 10s!!

It seems like one person had a shitty experience with howard back in the day, and relayed this information to other people on this site who then relayed that information to others, and thus the SHIT TRAIN kept on rolling.

It seems more like a ‘heard it through the grapevine’ type of experience more than anything else. I haven’t been to Howard for anything but I’d be willing to bet his company wouldn’t be doing as well as they are if he was programming cars with deadly tunes and sending the customers on their merry way.

i openly admitted " and to tony,s face " i didnt like redline but ya know what EVERY SHOP that does specialty work will have boomerangs and shit happen . i didnt throw redline out there cause adam knows where it is and so on .for simple bolt ons “i assume” there may not be a reason to pay for a redline tune and take howard away from suttin else ,if another local could do it thats where i am at

heard howard killed several babies… just sayin

dude i have killed millions .i beat off constantly lolololol

