Arm Drop/Grudge Racing @ LVD this Friday. Whos in?

damn your getting up early, im planning on getting there around 10ish, my car wont be ready to run saturday anyways…

my car likes the cooler air. i’d like to get some passes in before everyone shows up just to see what kind of time i can get out of it.

me and you will have a grudge match… except i want to give monehz backs when were done as im a broke as teeange father

that would be a good race. IDK about eating adam up but it should be a close race.

i’m liking where this thread is goin!


Wayne im calling you out…

I just want my 50 bucks back after i loose k?

It’s on Wayne! But I wont be able to get there until 1 or 2pm. I never raced my car at the 1/4 mile before, so don’t point and laugh to much if I can’t launch shit :lol

50 - gas $$

oh stfu u make more than i do

and I haz a kid have some pitty on me

oh and Im calling you out to…

depending on who wins cuz I have no idea it might be close…

either way i plan on giving you your money back if tis me :excited

I think if chris races he is going to be on race gas

do you have to pay to watch? this whole drifting be canceled leaves me with nothing to do.

Im sure its 10 dollars like always

Yea I have been trying to find out too, doesn’t say anywhere on the site. I don’t care if you do…just wanted to know before I showed up.

NO Spectating is FREE for this event.

Hot damn

sweeeet…idk about adam and chris on race gas, still should be a close race but adam WILL hook at the track even on the junk tires he has, chris is a toss up and hes gonna hafta play serious catch up if he doesnt hook.

Dude his car hooks fine on slicks. Im not sure why you dont think it hooks up. Its gone 11.2 already on slicks so with some race gas im pretty sure its going to go faster

i never said it doesnt hook i said its a toss up, adam can consitantly hook the same exact way on every launch. There is a ton of variables in chris’s launch that can make or break it. Given any car has room for error on a launch, adams had his car for years and knows every in and out to launching it. Not saying chris doesnt know how to launch his car but idk if hes had enough practice doing it to say he masterd it.

I dunno he consistently runs 11.2 so I would assume he can launch the car fairly well