articzap = 2.2 turbo cavi

Hey guys I’m going to test the turbo by sticking my hand in the turbine while it’s running, k?

That was hilarious when he was spinning it when it was off and it was blowing smoke hard… he tried to act tough with it reving it and what not Wonder how much damage was done that night alone

i went to high school with that kid hes a fuckin retard

is the new ricer thing to turbo shitty cars? i saw a turbo 420a eclipse today that sounded like someone was fucking it in the ass.

I saw that thing yesterday on the boulevard as I was walking to my car. It defiantly gave a good chuckle.

Ha I was driving next to this kid on sheridan today. I saw the turbo badge and laughed… Then all of a sudden I heard him step on it and heard a BOV. I was shocked that

a) it really was turbo’d
b) it was so slow

Anyone know this kid personally? …like know where he works, got a pic of him?
I started a new job at a place called OGSI and theres a kid that works in the CAD dept. who someone told me he had a turbo cavi. I asked more about it and they said it was pretty “riced out”…and the kid talks a big game about this car. He also has a silver S10 Blazer that hes got pics of…havent seen pics of the cavi, and havent had the chance to stop and chat with him…I wonder if its him. oh man.

yep thats him… its actually a spray painted “silver” JIMMY

i talked to him at Lancaster he said hes running the turbo kit with zero tuning or any sort so the car is mostly just cutting out… i really dont know how its stayed running for this long.

I went to college with him, pretty nice guy …hack job of a car hope its built a little better now

Welp, since I work with him, maybe I can lead him on the path of righteousness by suggesting…maybe telling him to remove all the rice shit, getting his drivetrain squared away, and maybe even get him to come to one of the dyno-tune shops.
LMAO…I figured this kids car must be riced or something since when they asked if I had a modded car, I told em I had a GP, they asked if it had a wing and other things to make it faster…fuvkers.

save this kid

I’ll try…but hell, I drive a stock looking FWD family car. :gotme:lol

his name is phil lindsay, the car is all fucked up right now, barely runs. he says hes puttin out 10psi. the car actually did look nice at one point before he tore it apart 2 times. the whole thing needs to be torn apart and built right.

That’s the same guy who tried to race me on transit. I actually took a pic with my phone of his half-attached body kit and sent it to andy zion and newman. worst kill story ever: he revs his automatic 9 times and I pull into wegmans.

True story

Kid pulls into Mighty last yea with this thing buzzing like a swarm of bee’s and without a hood.

Sits there and tells everybody how Hes still working on it, etc. etc.

Than he mentions how he might have hooked his FPR up wrong because every time he boosts he leans out like whoa :bloated:

Than the greatest moment ive ever seen happened

Cavi Kid: “Yeah its a work in progress. This thing needs some more work”

Nitroinsane: (rather loudly) “This thing needs to hit a fucking tree”

:clap: :clap:

This is some funny shit! I wondered if this kid could have been on here, and got a vibe from him as I see him walk around the shop…that he wasnt your “typical” motor head. Now Im going to have a even harder time trying to talk to this kid. lmao

He came up to me at Mighty today and said, “Are you the 240 I walked the other day?”


I then said we were dead even and he was like yeah I guess.

did you tell him he shouldn’t be proud of walking a 16 second car? :stuck_out_tongue:

I was there, it was hard not to laugh at the kid.