Ask Bing

You ever come to think that maybe cars are in parents names for LEGAL , INSURANCE , ETC , reasons?

I paid 22 for my miata,
it took me the past 2 years to pay for it.
it is still in my mothers name,
and it will remain there.


just because your parents dont care about you,
or are poor,
or are welfared,
or whatever they are, because I could care less in the long run
doesnt mean you have to hate on the ones who have parents that actually care about them

you know, the parents that actually made a difference when they were raised.

I mean,
why would I push away the fact that I’m from a legit family?
should I act ghetto and pretend I want to be black?

Fuck it , I was born with money.
what do you want from me? to rebel? hahahah, ya okay.
look at sasha
his parents sponsored him and he is doing bigger things on here than anyone else.
You guys can cry as much as you want but your still on his dick to the fullest.

my daddy’s a lawyer, you guys want his number?

I mean,
I wish i could be like you guys…
talking SO Much on the internet,
but when im in front of you introducing myself, your comments disapear and you chickens become silent.

And p.s.s im sorry matty,
i dont mean anything negative by these comments.
Just trying to get some keyboard cowboys to relax