At least 1 cop gets it........

Oh and before you start complaining and praising what the Germans have to go through to get their licenses, I think it’d make more sense if you had your German driving license before you start bashing the system here.

Just so you know, you can go to more advanced driving schools here in Canada that teach you skid control and stuff. BMW driving school, etc

YES! IN CANADA! The land of all crappy drivers! Ontario. Canada. Toronto. Yes. I said it, In Canada!

Have you yourself been to all of the above? If you haven’t, then shut the fuck up.

If you have, I’ll take what I said back and I’ll shut the fuck up myself.

Cause if you haven’t, why are you complaining when you are no different than me, I assume you have your G license as well.

So what makes you a better driver than everyone else to make statements like that?

EDIT: Oh and here’s my reference in case you think I just pull facts out of thin air.

Your argument is flawed. Just because I don’t have a german license, doesn’t mean I don’t understand the german system.

Have you lived in europe? I have. Have you lived in Africa? I have. Have you lived in Middle-east? I have? Have you lived in north america. Yes and I have.

You don’t have to have it to know it’s better. You don’t have a ferrari but you know its better than our POS 240sx.

Your counter-argument and logic = fail.


And when comparing cars, it’s not as simple as “Ferrari is better than a 240sx”
I know they are more expensive, but that doesn’t mean better.

When it comes to cars, it’s very subjective and comes down to opinion.

But that’s just the brand, being a car enthusiasist yourself, I’d expect you to be a little smarter than that.

How about this, my girlfriend is better than your wife.

You should only date Vietnamese girls because they are clearly better than what you are married to.

I also love how you avoided the statement if you had any of those advanced driver training. That’s great you’ve lived around the world. So have I. So like I said, what makes you better than everyone else to make that statement once again?

What makes your statement better?

You are arguing an endless loop of pseudo-logical counter arguments. What kind of statement is that? After you run out of argumentative statements you come to say “well then what makes you better”. That’s not a discussion, that’s just talking bullshit.

Bottom line is, either you believe the laws are bullshit. Or you think they are good and support them.

If you think they are BS, list why, I did.
If you think they are awesome amazing great and to be worshipped, state why.

That is all. I stated what I stated. My point of view is based on my personal experiences, views, places I’ve lived.

Obviously it’ll oppose or be different than to someone else.

Someone who believes that going 100km/hr is scary, in my book, shouldn’t be driving. Yet, on the other hand, the media takes advantage of this backed by political agenda, government, insurance agencies, money to be had, etc… and repeats over and over and over again certain stances, positions and ideas until people are brainwashed enough to believe it. I don’t buy into it, and my brain can not accept it, I’ve seen and lived elsewhere which portrays the absolute opposite and the people are better off. So of course I’ll argue the way I’ve argued.

My bottom line view is, speed does not kill, lack of driving skills kills, lack of driver training kills, lack of inattentiveness and carelessness, lack of knowing one own’s limits, influence of drugs and alcohol.

If we were to analyse every single case of ‘street racing accidents’, we’d come to conclude probably what we have in the past already… and we looked at automotive death statistics we’d come to conclude that most ARE as a result of some drug or alcoholic influence.

This retarded law has only imprisoned, fined and brought much enthusiastic wealth to the government, insurance, media and number of other organizations… it has not done jack. “reduced fatality of street racing deaths” bullshit and I stand by it.

This police officer represents my view and I’ll quote him:

“I’ve spent eight years in traffic services, and I was a crash reconstructionist for five years before that,” Michigan State Police Lieutenant Gary Megge told the News. “So I’ve seen my share of fatal wrecks, and I can tell you: Deaths are not caused by speeding. They’re caused by drinking, drugs and inattentiveness. The old adage that speed kills just isn’t realistic. The safest speed is the speed that is correct for that roadway at a given time. A lot of speed limits are set artificially low.”

Why did you quote him and make no sense yourself?

"Someone who believes that going 100km/hr is scary, in my book, shouldn’t be driving. "

So…I’d like to see you go 100km/h on a bumpy road that you don’t know too well when there’s a blizzard outside.
I guess if you’re too scared, you shouldn’t be driving right?
Once again, you fail.

Nope I don’t fail. Obviously I was talking about someone on the highway in normal conditions, hence my many references to the German autobahn. No where did I mention a blizzard outside or a bumpy road. You’re now playing a strawman game.

Stop trying to be counter-intelligent. The argument leads no where.

Well you didn’t specify, so how is everyone supposed to know you mean the highway?

That cop wasn’t even talking about speeding on the highway, it was just speeding in general.

“The safest speed is the speed that is correct for that roadway at a given time.”

So to use your own words against you, your logic is flawed.
Okay so you won’t be scared to drive 100kmh on the highway during a snowstorm and you know that there will be black ice?

I guess I’ll let you win this argument since you want it so badly.

mark i dont like ur new display pic

Who ever talked about the driving courses should be mandatory here just like Germany is right. This makes total sence charging $3000 for a course.

Charging that much money will cause people to respect the driving privalige and be thankful for it. it will cause people to obey the law since their is a chance of loosing the license and the $3000 that was payed.

This may stop punk kids from driving creamy because they dont have the money to pay for the course a second time. also it will help both good and bad drivers become better. Everyone can learn, even the pros

Why? What’s wrong with it?

its awkward to look at

not my cup of tea

All I can say is this, I have been travelling around Europe since July of 2007 for work, I have been in England, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Spain and mainly Greece.
I have travelled back and forth on the Autobahn many times, I see people cruising at speeds over 200kms per hour, I have done it a few times my self, everyone flys here, if you go slow your life will be in greater danger and you are a bigger risk to other going faster around you.
I have seen more accident on the 401, 400, 403, 427, QEW, DVP, 407, 410 and 409 in two month’s then I have seen here in a year and a half! And everyone know when I was in Canada I was on the road all the time because other then working at the dealership I was also a Stretch Limousine driver.

Speed or cars don’t kill people, carelessness and incopentence behind the wheel kills people.

Autobahn rules!

…I love son.LMAO

that is realistic of him to say and is upheld by most cops here in Ontario!

I have talked to many cops with the same opinion!!

He wins “THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD” :slight_smile:

More proof North America’s road and traffic system sucks and is all about money :stuck_out_tongue:

^While watching that vid I discoverd this one.

A little of topic but still good to see!