AT&T speed test: best to date

Here’s one my brother sent me today from his galaxy nexus while on Verizon 4G earlier Pretty impressive I think:

That’s pretty average for 4G. I love it, my best so far is 25mbps/12mbps. The worst I’ve gotten was in Saratoga near the mall. Best downstream was in Malta. Best upstream was NYC.

Sidenote, last night I was downloading GTAIII DLC (430mb) on my phone around exit 9 @ 1600kb/s. Fuckin’ legit.

I know but for a phone its faster than my roadrunner haha.

4G upstream absolutely slaughters TWC. My downstream on a speed test looks similar, but my actual downstream when sustained is about 2-2.5x as fast on my TWC. I’m usually in the 3mb/s (not mbps) range on torrents, only hit 1.6 when tethering with my phone (still retarded fast).

The reason why AT&T is faster now is because half their people left AT&T when the iPhone came to Verizon…and then some more switched to Sprint when the iPhone hit their shelves. (exaggerated figures)

Less people using network = better speeds for those who are left :lol. Verizon has and has always had a strong network thus more people joining them hardly made a dent or had an effect on peoples speeds.

I just got the 32gb 4S on verizon my dl speed is still around 1.8 and my ul speed is about 1.4. However I am noticing it loads webpages loads faster than my droid 1 ever did.

I had both verizon and AT&T and was satisfied with service coverage of both. Now I have Sprint and it OK since they have expanded and merged with other companies but still is lacking. As for droids… I break too many cell phones to have anything expensive so I cant download this app to even do said speed test.