ATE Super Blue BANNED in the US

Any one of our vendors want to confirm this?


Reading around, apparently the only contention is the color of the fluid… The government says brake fluid can’t be any other color than clear. Why? I’m sure there is a reason, but at the moment this just seems dumb. Especially since this fluid has been on the market for ages.

Im sure they can reformulate it to a clear…blue was probably a marketing gimic in the first place to set it apart from “standard” fluid.

Either way the Govt needs to focus on other things than the color of brake fluid.

They already have a clear version I think. And the blue wasn’t a gimmick, it made it easy to see when you had removed the previous fluid.

I’d like to know the reason this law exists to begin with. Maybe there is an engineering reason? :gotme:

Probably has to do with not being able to visibly determine the condition of the liquid?

Great. All I like to use.

Thanks Obama.

You know Obama would only ban it if it is Red…since its Blue he will probably make a state of the union comment about its importance for the future of America and it will be back on the shelves in no time

I love this stuff, it’s so easy to tell when the new fluid comes out.

They have an amber color which is the same I believe.


I thought they made Gold and Blue for differentiation purposes during flush?

super lame.

I hope it’s sarcasm because I really don’t see how Obama would be responsible for this

Michele put wiper fluid in her brake reservoir

Someone must of received a free cell phone :touchy:


Wow, I was just about to order some actually. Maybe if I try right now I’ll luck out.

Yes, confirmed. I’ve got 3 full cans left.

i stand corrected. thanks obama

That vid is hilarious. I really hope President Obama has seen it. I bet he would laugh his ass off.

I hope the leader of the free world has much better things to do with his free time than watch Jenna Marbles videos on youtube.