ATT v. Verizon....

Well basically my Iphone is taking a crap. Luckily my 2 year contract with AT&T ended November last year. I like the iphone alot, i might just buy another one used possibly, but im thinking about maybe signing with verizon because i get a discount with work. I dont really know about any of there phones though, i want unlimited internet and i was paying like $100 a month through ATT for my Iphone and it was the slow EDGE Network.

So i can either sign up for either of these companies but since i can get a discount through Verizon, i figured i would try to get some opinions on which phone and service would be a good option.

I dont use alot of minutes, but sometimes i text alot, the internet is my favorite thing about the iphone that and the apps. I like being able to download Video’s on my iphone with the boss preference’s and MXtube, so i really dont know if there is another phone i might like that verizon has, i know they probly have better reception in more places but i usually dont run into too much trouble with my iphone.


If the iphone worked for you might wanna just go with a 3GS. Verizon doesnt have anything comparable really except maybe the env touch

Well, i really dont care about if the phone has the touch feature. I like the big screen and seeing websites as if im on my computer.

get the new 3Gs or if you go to verizon wait for the Storm 2 to come out

If you’re used to a shitty slow edge only iphone pick up last years 3g for $99 = profit?

do i need to have a more expensive data plan due to it being 3g? right now i pay around $90-$100. thats with unlimited data.

You won’t need a new data plan but if you ever plan on going outside of buffalo you may want to stick to your verizon idea. At&t is shit anywhere with a decent population.

I would say go with ATT and keep the iPhone. If you dont want to fully extend your contract, just get a 3G off ebay or something.

The 2g and 3g is like night and day with speeds and such.

Yesterday after work i went to AT&T and signed for 2years and purchased the 3GS, all i can say is WOW!!! What a difference its so much faster, i feel like i have wifi everywhere i go!

before i did this i checked verizon’s top phones, they all seemed slower then even the regular 3G iphone, and some pages seemed to not load everything. I actually asked the guy if the phone was a 3g… i kinda feel bad for the guy he was a nice guy and too bad he’s stuck trying to sell those slow phones, i asked for the phone with the fastest internet… but the phones i checked out were still slower then the 3g.

Im debating on Jail breaking my 3GS still, i like it alot and when i did my old 2g phone it made it run slower so i really dont want the 3gs to run slower since i really like how fast it currently is.

Evdo rev a is faster than what att considers 3g the sales guys are exactly that

Technology has the capability of being faster but I have not seen anyone pull constant speeds on the new EVDO network like people have on ATT’s 3G which I think is how they get the studies to say “The nations fastest 3G network”

Jailbreaking won’t make it run slower.

Jailbreaking and installing a bunch of bullshit themes and winterboard like stuff will slow it down.

Watch how many mobilesubstrate addons you are running. The 3GS has more ram so you can handle more but keep an eye on it. Also, use SBSettings and you can use the Mobile Substrate addon manager to turn off plugins you are not using and keep your phone running faster.

I had Bos Perf. and only like 1 theme at a time because the old phone was running so slow, it was so annoying trying to text people and waiting for the screen to pop up. I liked being able to choose between Downloading things as High quality(wifi) instead of the poor quality settings that it forces you to use while streaming on 3g/EDGE. that will probly be the only thing i add if i jail break.

Once AT&T masters the basic stuff like phone calls they will be the best . But you cant beat a work discount on a new Blackberry thats probly the only reason ill get one!

phone calls?! Who cares about that?

People still call?

poor people with blackberrys, discuss…
yes, this is really somebody in a soup line with one taking a picture of M. Obama.

yes people still call…this generation sucks lol