Attempted a tire change at walmart...

You can make fun of state workers all you want… As your father knows, its just as retarded and ass backwards here as it is anywhere else. Everyday the shit I deal with pisses me off because of the retards that make retarded decisions and generally screw stuff up all day long. and like you said, its hard to get fired for being an idiot… which is wrong. I dont like fitting stereotypes… I bust my balls to do whats right and get shit done. Others here just come in to work, get paid and go home.

I do love the mini rant I spurred for you though, with such a simple hypothetical opinion lasting 11 words! :rofl

I did in fact only mean my comment to sound like “I spent $150K on a car, I can afford to pay someone $200 an hr to change my tires (or what ever was going on when i saw the car on the lift) and not take chances that someone who works on Ford Focus’ and Dodge Colts a majority of the time will damage one of my $5K wheels or $1000 tires.” Thats the jest of my comment.

KK is an equal opportunity hater. I dont like stupid people, consistent failures, people not helping society with their existence… And I voice my opinion that cut and dry I guess. If Tony Stewart kept driving cabs, would that make all cab drivers awesome drivers? NO. If some crappy cab driver jumped in a Nascar and wrecked on the 5th lap and took out 15 cars, does that make all Nascar driver crappy drivers? NO. I understand that. Successful businesses are built on competition and striving to be better each day the turn on the OPEN sign. Its all about who is doing the quality work… like you said, someone managing a group to techs for 13 years is doing something right. I highly doubt the supervisor at the Walmart that couldn’t find a 17mm socket is on the same path. I am not going into business theory here just simply put I am sure there are shining stars working at Walmart, Monroe, Jiffy Lube that dont get noticed because of the shitty business model they are employed under… HUHUUUHHH much like ME AT THE STATE! :rofl . Conversely I am sure there are raging idiots that squeek by an application and interview that dont diverse to work at a Ferrari service facility, or Bursher racing development. So it is what it is.

Back on the Monroe story. The one I am familiar with in Amsterdam is a shit hole. The management IS only there to fuck the customers. If you are not a car person they WILL bend you over. My wife went in for an inspection and they tried to fail her for some ridiculous reason and sell her the part and labor to fix it. She took the 10 day temp and left. I knew it was BS and called my normal inspection guy who was out of town or it wouldnt even have went there and he laughed and said NO way is that a failure. I took the car back and asked him to show me where that would fail an inspection… I said show me it in the book behind the counter. He flipped it open and tried to back pedal, mindlessly flipping through it… I stopped him about 3 minutes into it and said just cut the shit, and look at the book your reading… its from 2006 first off and second you know it doesnt fail for that. they passed it and ate the 2nd attempt fee.

My buddy isnt a car guy but likes nice cars. he has a CTS. Brings it in there because he “knows the guy because they take all the Enterprise cars there for service”. He needed an oil change for a trip we were going on. That turned into they saw the rear dif cover was damp but not dripping at all and it immediately needed to be fixed of the rear end would blow out and that could cost him $2500 to fix!:lol They quoted him for $400 to change it! Luckly hes a cheap bastard and didnt buy into that shit. $20 for gasket maker, and $30 for gear oil… 20 minutes later your done… $400 MY ASS.

My wifes mother brought her 2009 Altima with 10Kmi there for inspection, they said the brakes were bad, warped and it shakes the wheel out of your hand, and FAILED her. Bill was going to be $850 for 4 rotors and pads! Again, as far as I know not a reason to fail unless they are SHOT (out of spec) or not functional. She walked away with a 10 day. I drove it and it the brake were mint. took it up to 80mph and hammered on the brakes, let go of the wheel and it didnt move an cunt hair. Took a wheel off and the pads were 2/3 still there and the rotors were mint. Only 10K and at the time a year old I would hope so! Again I took it back there and told them I think they are full of shit, get in and lets go for a ride. did the same thing and no steering wheel shake… turned around made them put it on the lift infront of me and take a wheel off. and the guy looked like :ninja. again, passed the inspection and they ate it.

three rants of many I have

Last but not least I grew up with a kid that works there and has told me the management is out to FUCK people. Telling the customers they need shit they dont and getting caught like I have done to them 2-3 times a week. He refuses to work on a car for shit it doesnt need, and has walked away from them when his manager tells him to pull that shit. He hates it there but needs a job so he deals with it.

kk/rant over :thumbup