attempted break in?

ok so tonight i went to see redline with some friends at quaker crossing.
the movie ends and we’re walking back to my car, and mind you im EXTREMELY annoyed when my doors arent locked so i ALWAYS make sure i do as i make my passengers insure that the other doors are locked.

so i come to my car and go to the driver door and its open a crack, like it just clicked shut where the latch just caught and my lock was unlocked. so i go into my car and check that my head unit, registration, blah blah are there. so then i pop my trunk to make sure my system was there. when i go to open my trunk my system is pulled up towards the front of the trunk and its turned almost backwards.

now im sure there is a very slight possibility that i may have not closed my door all the way but since its a honda it has the lift the handle to push the lock down feature which i do subconciously so my door is always locked.

do you think that theres a chance someone was trying to break into my car and may have been spotted and took off?

its bugging the hell out of me and i feel almost as if ive been violated.

it’s a probable situation considering your subs were all backwards and shit, but not the most likely area.

It’s a possibility, but if someone was jacking your shit they’d be more likely to just bust the fucker open, grab and go. I.E. you’d have a busted door and/or trunk lid.

yeah i figured shit woulda been busted. its so easy to break into my car with a clothes hanger though. trust me ive had to do it before.

i don’t like going to that place. maybe 2 years ago when I went there someone thought it would be funny to take one of the wooden stakes that they use for markers for plowing, and they bashed off my driver side mirror

yeah ive heard of shit happening there before but i thought nothing of it.

i didnt even pull into the parking lot bumping my system either.
im never driving one of my own cars to that place again

it was me! i wanted your siq system… lols i couldnt work up the nerve to bash in the trunk… jk… maybe you drove wrecklessly and the sub went all over the place… and then you didnt shut your door all the way… just a thought… sigh

lol. but, i drove stupid AFTER i found all this shit out. and i have it like blocked in the back with a little bracket i made so it doesnt fly around

live and learn. Next time there will be no doubt in your mind that the doors are locked because you will have checked them 100 times.

lol yeah. when i got home i walked around the car twice checking all the doors.

my car was broken into at west herr dodge once… i left it over night and someone bent my passenger door and rippd my cd player and bashed in my trunk lock to get in but failed… o well… shit happens
o and apparently west herr doesnt really care about shit like that… but i got a free oil change!!! cause tahts worth it… sigh

yeah, gotta love life. what a great night of money loss on shitty movies and paranoia of some bitch tryin to nab my shit

shitty man. alarm?

gots to get a good one!

nah, my car is the most baseline you could possibly get. the thing i dont understand is why they didnt at least jack the head unit. its so easy to take out.

well if you have something of value in your car you should have some sort of an alarm.

Maybe they thought the subs were more valuable, i dunno.

i cant afford an alarm lol. im trying to finish my other car and sell this one as it is.

I’ve got an alarm for sale, it’s an excaliber. Not baller in any way really but it works. $25

edit: And no, I won’t install it for you. I can, but I don’t like alarms Mr. White.

I dunno… if someone did get in I’m sure they would take your head unit after not taking your subs. Is it possible they slide around and that maybe your door wasn’t shut all the way?

Just speculation.

i have no idea. its just really gay. i have a bracket that holds my system in place so it doesnt fly around. and im almost 100% positive that i locked the door.

after further investigation the lock on the driver side is marked up with scratches like someone may have gotten it with a slim jim.