Attempted carjacking

wow…ophs?..i live like 3 min away near beerz. fuckin punks

no. im not sure of the name its an elementary school near the stadium

oh you were at windom i bet

Hindsight is always 20/20.

GTFO was the way to be me thinks.

GTFO FTW Just because the one idiot didn’t have a gun in his hand doesn’t mean that he or one of the others wasn’t packing. Reverse/crank the wheel would have been fun but would you really want to spend your saturday buffing punk out of your paint?

sorry to hear dude, i hope everything turns out well.

i’m pretty sure i would’ve tried to hit one or a couple of them had it happened to me, i have a horrible habit of doing stupid things before i think the better of them

:tup: to being okay relatively in the end

yea man damn u should have tried to hit one on ur way out

hitting one of them would have been funny (and deserved), but a retarded idea.

youd be the one in trouble then.

carry on permit FTW!

i dunno if this is cuz im tired, cranky, and stressed, but here it goes:

it pisses me off that all you people r saying “yeah u should have hit them” and other related comments. think about what you would do in the situation. i gaurnetee that 99.9% of you would do exactly the same thing that he did, which is just get the fuck out of there no matter what. seems like people r calling him a pussy cuz he didnt really fight back too hard but in a situation like that, its best just to get out of there whatever way you can. sure, if you know the scenario and have time to think about it you can do whatever. but in realitly, you know nothing. all you know is 4 guys are trying to rip u out of your car, and you dont know if they have a gun, knife, whatever. its natual instinct to get out as fast as possible. and thats exactly what eric (i think i got the name right?) did. even if you’re the better equipped man, you’re a lot better off just getting out.

so :tup: to him doing what is ‘right’ and glad to hear everyone and everything is ok.

im not callin him a pussy casue he didnt fight back cause i know i would not have fought back but when i got in my car if i were in that situation i would have tried to get even.

and i dont think hittin on of them would get u in trouble u could say it was self defence


well i was aiming that more towards the people that were sayin hit them with the car. i think its natural instinct for some1 to fight back enough to get away. like is aid, u dont kno all the elements of the scenario, and i think what he did was perfect.

I was at work on time… I worked at a restaurant next to the Bills stadium. ( this was like 4 years ago), It was like 2pm i worked since like 7am, and there was someone supposed to come in to take my spot… he never showed up. so i covered for him figuring he was just like fuck this job I’m not showing up (which happens). Turns out at 10pm we get this phone call from his mother… The kid is in syracuse (or albany), someone opened his door and held a knife to his throat and told him to drive. he lived in south buffalo… when he got to cuse’ or albany the guy took off…

too bad you couldnt have snaped a quick cell phone pick of the kid or 4, for that matter… i would be plenty scarred if i had after me…

kinda OT…if you were packing heat…and shot the kid in the arm,leg…anywheres that would not kill…would u be in trouble or would it be self defence???

i think you would be in trouble… for 1) having the weapon, and 2) if he gets a good enough lawyer… lawsuit