A good friend of mine was struck by a vehicle late last night leaving Vinny’s off of Clinton in West Seneca. She was walking home with a group of friends when a vehicle coming from behind struck her and another pedestrian. She was knocked un-conscious and suffered multiple injuries. I did not witness the hit and run but immediately ran to the scene when her friend came running into the bar in tears. Shortly after I ran down the street the paramedics arrived to the scene. I have never experienced anything more terrifying than watching someone that important lay on the ground lifeless while everyone who was with her was in tears. Thankfully after spending the last 4 hours at ECMC, I can say that she pulled through and is in stable condition. From what I gathered from the people walking with her and the WSPD the vehicle was a red and white pickup truck. If anyone has any information about this cowardless act please report it to the West Seneca PD. Hopefully we can catch this fucking low life piece of shit who almost took a promising life from us.
Glad you friend is doing better and hopefully the person responsible will be caught.
where was marshawn lynch last night.
and sorry to hear that man hope she is doing better.
glad your friends doing better… but I wish every one had car knowledge like us… as white and red pick up is kind of vague. I’m sure if it was any kind of car person there would have at least known if it was ford/chevy/dodge…
i dont know why but shady shit always happens around vinnys. It sucks cause its a cool place to hang and have a few. :tdown: glad shes alright.
That sucks man. Glad to hear your friend is ok though, and hopefully no long term damage was done. There were a hell of a lot of drunk drivers out in the WS area last night prolly due to the power outage.Hope the son of a bitch gets cought. a friend of mine was laid out by a a drunk driver that fled the scene a few years back when I was living in TO. He wasnt as lucky though. Hope the asshole in your case gets cought man.
good to hear they are doing better. Good luck in your search for this bag of douche
Just an update for everyone. She’s at ECMC in stable condition. She has a fractured pelvis and sustained injuries to her back. The family has heard nothing from the police as of yet!!!
Heard about this last night, shitty to hear man. My dads in WSPD so im sure ill be hearing more about it when I talk to him later.
is the truck still on the loose? on lovering off of hertle i mainly red truck with white metal kinda sheeting with what looked to have a plow aseembly on it is parked idk if thats the truck ur looking for let me know ill get the correct address my brother lives on the street.
I’m not a cop and will leave the investigation to the police. The worst thing right now is for a bunch of hot headed people driving around looking for a vehicle that was vaguely described by the people who were walking with her. Hopefully the police will do their job or some one will step and accept the responsibility of what they did.
Holy shit…i read this and just as i was reading it Stef texted me telling me it was Cory, total shock…wow dude this sucks. I know her almost as good if not just as good as you do, so i know where you’re coming from. Fucking scumbags…seriously if there’s anything i can do, tell me…and if you talk to Cory or Stef tell them/their family i’ll do whatever they need too.
it’s especially scary thinking of how often i’m there with friends…coulda been any one of us. i’ve known cory and stef since i was 6 years old…gonna see what her visitation allowances are, might go up there tomorrow to see her.
Ugh even if you post pics it doesn’t matter cause that injury makes it almost impossible to reverse cowgirl!
I joke but im glad shes ok dude, could have been much worse… Chances are you will never catch anyone and that blows.
That totally sucks man, 100% the worst… Hopefully you’re friend will have a full recovery and live a healthy life… but that scumbag will have to live the rest of their life wondering what happened.
They’ll probably rip their eyes out just so they don’t have to look at themselves again…
side note: vinnys sucks. ive gotten into fights there everytime i’ve went :tdown:
Just talked to the family and there is no change in her condition or updated information at this time. I guess this incident was broadcasted on Channel 4 this mourning @ 8am. You here shit like this happening every day, but when it happens to someone you know and you see the end results its just simply terrifying. Andy I’ll be giving you a call shortly.
wow, thats minutes from my place.
sorry to hear man, i hope everything turns out ok for her