A friends younger sister hit by truck

a good friend of mine’s (mark matthews, from orchard park) younger sister got hit by a tractor trailer today at Geneseo.

he’s actually on his way back as we speak from cleveland… she is in critical condition i hear. hope she makes it through okay :frowning:


:tdown: Shitty.

Hope she makes it.

“fighting for her life” does not sound good :frowning:


Hope everything goes ok.

fuck that sucks man, hope everything works out for her!


thats horrible

best of luck to her! that blows


That’s awful. Hope she pulls through.

Wow that sucks hope she makes it :frowning:

yikes hope she hangs in there


damn man, sorry to hear that. I’ll keep her in my thoughts

hope she pulls through

Is it me or has there been a lot of people hit by cars and trucks in the last few weeks?

this really sucks. hope she will be ok.

oh man so that’s what the roads were closed for. I hope everything turns out alright :frowning:

it does seem like a lot recently

Not breathing on her own…hopefully they can stabilize her. Thoughts and prayers.