Bad Barrie Accident

For anyone who knows of Intense Motorsports and the owner Justin

Justin from Intense Motorsports was in a critical car accident on Sunday morning! He was driving with Mike & Shaun in Mike’s Prelude when they hit black ice, rolled & hit a tree on the passenger side. The impact was so severe that it sheared the whole front of the car off in front of the firewall including the motor. None of them were wearing their seatbelts. Justin is in intensive car at RVH and Mike was hurt so bad that he was airlifted to Sunnybrook in Toronto. Shaun, in the back seat, was able to walk away with only minor bruises & some whiplash. If Shaun had been injured, he would not have been able to get them out of the car.

Also remember that SEATBELTS SAVE LIVES! Wear them at all times please!

Found this Local News Article!

Simcoe man clings to life after collision
Two others being treated for head injuries

Local News - Monday, January 30, 2006 @ 07:00

A 21-year-old Simcoe County man is in a Toronto Hospital with life-threatening injuries after the car he was driving struck a tree early Sunday morning. Two passengers are also being treated for head injuries at Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie.

South Simcoe Police said the single-vehicle crash happened about 2:45 a.m. on Big Bay Point Road near the 20th Sideroad of Innisfil. The car was heading westbound on Big Bay Point Road when the driver lost control, drove into a ditch and smashed into a tree.

Three people in the vehicle were taken to Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie and the driver was later transferred to Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto with serious head injuries.

Big Bay Point Road was closed in both directions for more than 10 hours Sunday while police investigated the crash. Police are seeking any witnesses


ouch… its weird not wearing your seatbelt when your driving, dont u feel like ur gonna fall out of your seat when cornering ?

i love seat belts

Without seatbelts I feel naked

but sexy

hope the guys are okay, and i really hope it was just black ice.

holy crap! that happened right off my property… just to the east by ~ 100m… the road was closed most of the day but we couldn’t see a thing… as cops/ EMS and other assorted vehicles were in the way… I know justin and he normally wears a seatbelt. and that car is his GF possible causes, he’d just put a very large T04E hybird in the car could have gotten a bit out of hand with it, if it was boosting fully. Also thier are ‘locals’ ( read; indred, uneducated hicks), that seem to want to play crash em up derby with any nice car, myself a few others have had near misses with idiots in aspires, sunbirds and old caviliers AIMING for cars on that road. Just had it happen the other night actuallyon big bay point.


It wasn’t Justin who was driving, it was his friend, in an Integra (apparently).

The driver is in Toronto in pretty serious condition, but Justin is still in Barrie and will be ok.

I just moved from Big Bay Point and Prince William two days ago… pretty much the same spot.

Your both wrong, it was Mikes Honda Prelude. All three guys are very close friends of mine. I don’t appreciate you calling them “local uneducated hicks” They were being very responsible considering Justin and Shawn were intoxicated and mike was acting as a DD, so Justin or Shawn wouldn’t be driving drunk. Another friend was behind them but out of sight in justins car brining it home for him. Next time you post anything about anyone other than yourself, get your facts straight. I will be visiting justin on tuesday, and i have talked to himself, friends and reletives. Justins injuries consist of; A broken Femur, Semi-reattached ear, and minor neck injuries. Mike, is in sunnybrook as you know, but suffers from a broken collor bone, and shattered several vertabrae in his neck, and is now wearing a halo to prevent further damage, and may be permanently paraliyzed. Only time will tell how he will come out. It was a very “uneducated” statement you made about “local” people being “hicks”. I take that very personally and I don’t appreciate that sort of comment. I know for a fact i’ve driven down that road many times and not once have I ever played “crash em up derby”. Justin, mike, shawn, all of our friends and I personally respect our vehicles and their ability to harm and cause unsurmountable damage, and we do not take our resposibility as drivers lightly.

I hope everyone who knows our friends, or their own who may have these similar circumstances in thier lives, to think of Justin, Mike and Shawn, and hope for there quick and full recovery.

thank you.

I think you misread what BAS wrote…

He wasn’t calling your friends uneducated hicks. It seems to me as if he was referring to some of the other individuals in that area whom he sees doing stupid shit.

fuck i know that guy i hope hes ok hes anice dude

when bas wrote “locals” i thought he meant people who live and drive in that area, so i got a little upset. It’s been a few very intense days for me and those who are close and i just wanted to sort a bit of that out. sorry if i came off a little harsh.

Your both wrong, it was Mikes Honda Prelude. All three guys are very close friends of mine. I don’t appreciate you calling them “local uneducated hicks” They were being very responsible considering Justin and Shawn were intoxicated and mike was acting as a DD, so Justin or Shawn wouldn’t be driving drunk. Another friend was behind them but out of sight in justins car brining it home for him. Next time you post anything about anyone other than yourself, get your facts straight. I will be visiting justin on tuesday, and i have talked to himself, friends and reletives. Justins injuries consist of; A broken Femur, Semi-reattached ear, and minor neck injuries. Mike, is in sunnybrook as you know, but suffers from a broken collor bone, and shattered several vertabrae in his neck, and is now wearing a halo to prevent further damage, and may be permanently paraliyzed. Only time will tell how he will come out. It was a very “uneducated” statement you made about “local” people being “hicks”. I take that very personally and I don’t appreciate that sort of comment. I know for a fact i’ve driven down that road many times and not once have I ever played “crash em up derby”. Justin, mike, shawn, all of our friends and I personally respect our vehicles and their ability to harm and cause unsurmountable damage, and we do not take our resposibility as drivers lightly.

I hope everyone who knows our friends, or their own who may have these similar circumstances in thier lives, to think of Justin, Mike and Shawn, and hope for there quick and full recovery.

thank you.[/quote]

Thanks for clearing that up! I was just about the post something similar!

Although i don’t know Shawn and Mike that well, i do know Justin Very well, There all great guys and i wish them all the best!


well I will call them both dumb asses for not wearing thier seatbelts … if that part of the story is true. Next time Justin is over to the shop I’ll probably end up saying that him anyways. if someones going to the hospital tell him, " Ian calls you a dumb ass for not wearing your seat belt " ( again provided the no seat belt thing is true ).

jesus…this scares me because i am very lucky to be alive myself right now.

i fell asleep at the wheel on saturday morning and plowed into a guard-rail doing about 85km/h. somehow i walked away with nothing but whiplash and a screwed up knee.

here’s what’s left of my dad’s car. WAS a 2001 Accord.

i don’t know these guys personally, but i wish them all the best and hope they recover fully. and i mean that, because i very well could be in the same position right now.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Justin, Mike, and Shawn all three are friends of mine, and freinds of many others in barrie, and this forum. I think i can speak for all that we hope they have a full and speedy recovery


Well you just have quite the definite attitude. I would think that when i was at the hospital in barrie (rvh) and saw justin today, and saw the seat belt marks on his chest and collor bone, i would say he was wearing his seatbelt. He dosen’t remember most of what happened that night and i know you weren’t there to bear witness to him wearing one or not. So one, shut the F*** up about stuff you don’t even know anything about. 2. his ear which was reattached, was torn from his seatbelt, the doctors were able to tell his family that, and the marks tell the truth. and third but not least, you disgust me. Even if your trying to be sarcastic, your statement is just plain stupid. You should not set foot in that shop, for your sake. If i ever see you i will wish every injury all those guys are dealing with and more. I saw him, barely able to walk, but deal with that insane amount of pain to try and get out of bed, just to sit in a wheel chair and be in more pain then before. He is no longer (as of monday) on morphene, has decided he does not want the perkacet or tylenol 3’s. He’s only taking regular tylenol. I want to see you go through that and then have some idiot “local hick” as yourself come into your shop months later and say something so stupid. The point is, he was wearing that belt. So i would hope you would like to retract what you said. Not only is it stupid, but an awful thing to say to someone, anyone wether your thier friend or not.i don’t appreciate your attitude at all about this situation. If you do know him, you should feel remorse that he was hurt and hope for his steady, full recovery. not spout stupid lines like that, serious or sarcastic.

I will be going to see him again soon, and he already knows that this topic was started and he thanks everyone for their wishes and concern. He is very grateful to have people who care, even if you don’t know him.
Mike was in surgery today(tuesday, around 8 am) to fuse his vertabrae in his neck and is still in intensive care now(9pm). Thank you to anyone with kind messages and wishes for these guys. They are my friends and i am completly distraught over this and i feel better knowing that they have people who care about them.

dont worry about bas

im glad these guys are getting good care take care of them for us ok

im not, i just dont appreciate him :slight_smile:

and yea they are getting excellent care. :slight_smile: thanks for your concern