Death at Dunville

As if they didn’t have enough problems already.

How on earth did they get all the way to a building??? That makes no sense. You’d have to have your throttle stick and not do anything about it or something totally insane like that. Someone will have to MS Paint me a picture.

He was 73 years old…maybe he had a heart attack or stroke and then went off course?

Mississauga Man Killed In Race Track Accident

             Saturday July 19, 2008
                                                            A Mississauga man died Saturday after a crash at a race track near Brantford.

OPP say 73-year-old Sidney Paine was driving his car around the track at the Dunnville Autodrome Saturday morning, when the 1991 Mazda Miata left the track and smashed into a building.
Bystanders performed CPR until emergency personnel arrived, but Paine was pronounced dead at the scene.
A post-mortem will be held Sunday as the OPP investigation continues. "

Holy crap. Horrible to hear :tdown:

73 though? wow.


track’s probably done-for.

$100 says heart attack or stroke; car ran rudderless off track.

$50 says no. Unless it was a failure on their part, which I doubt.

I could see this giving the neighbors further excuse to fight though.

WTF… how do you crash into a building at Dunnville?? That takes serious effort.

Edit: Ah, Nikuk makes sense. Holy fucking old people.

yea theres a pretty good chance he wasn’t exactly with it at the time of that accident… not the tracks fault

yikes… i cant see how you would hit a building unless you lost ALL brakes, but even then you can steer to avoid the building… sounds like he was dead/unconscious before hitting

holy fucking fuck

I say it mainly because of stories I’ve heard from firefighters we used to live next door to.

Anecdote:Last year a woman in her 60s was driving down Niag Falls blvd in the residential section, had a stroke, lost control wheel / planted the throttle, veered across 3 lanes of 35mph traffic, pegged a 4’ wide tree @ ~70mph - that tree was ~30’ in front of a house on the blvd. We were 3 houses down the street at the time and we felt the hit shake the ground.

If the crash was bad enough to kill him I dont think you would be performing CPR right? He probably just had a stroke on the track.


Definately heart attack or stroke.

At least he died on the track instead of taking out some innocent bystanders on a public road. But seriously, 73? Wtf?

WOW that is ridicules, must have been something pre crash related, no way do you go off course and hit a building fully conscious, its just too far and theres plenty of room to avoid it even if you did have a brake failure or something

LOL @ zong.

he could really go off anywhere and just keep going off the track, you never know

but @ least that guy went out the way must of us would want to…

(not the car wreck, but heart attack while driving and only killing yourself) i guess


+1 on medical problem pre-crash. The buildings at Dunnville are a long long ways from the track and the only two places where you point toward them are relatively slow corners.

Paul Newman is in his 80s and still drives.:uhh:

Surprised he didn’t take anyone out with him. That’s at least a good part.