Death at Dunville

damn that sucks…

I have a new patent idea. In car heart-rate monitor - if heartrate drops the brakes lock up.


You shouldn’t be driving w/ a pacemaker…

Were they going counterclockwise and hit coming off of paddock? It would seem more plausible…even still that is nutssssss

It doesn’t seem plausible at all … Unless in a heart attack you tense up and slam on the gas… Coming out of the Curve Grande I dont think you’d even be going fast enough to make it through the grass… through the gravel… and enough to hit the building and kill yourself


Besides… with no mention of amounut of damage to the building, I’m sticking witht he idea that he was dead before he hit the building.

hitting the building could’ve meant rolling into @ 10mph (or any speed really).


Odds are he was going against the rules and started drifting, the residents around the track came out on the track and started chasing him like a zombie outbreak looking for fresh flesh avoiding several he found him self drifting on the gravel, hitting one of the people chasing him scared him enough to have a heart attack taking out the entire west side of the main building killing him on impact

how is it not plausible to drive across grass and gravel?

I guess i just assumed someone goes limp when they have a heart attack. I guess it makes sense though.

Looks like no one over 65 driving at dunville every again. Sorry Butch hope you weren’t planning on racing up there

if they release off the gas… they will be lucky to hit the building… if they stab the gas sure its possible.

ahh yeah, I was assuming we were talking about being on the throttle the whole time.

HAHA I guess we’re all assuming he destroyed the building lol

The chicane on the front straight is a pretty dangerous place to lose it, especially if it’s coned off to be narrower.

the back end has come out on me a couple times while trying to “wiggle” through

i dunno, i’ve had chest pains b4 and I sure as fuck tensed up.


… ^ motorsports forum…

poor guy… at least he died doing something he loved.

I can see the neighbors complaining "we were looking though our telescope at the track and it looked like he almost hit our houses also!

sigh didn’t see that…

I hope this guy’s family doesn’t try to sue Dunville, Seems like they get fucked in the ass too often.

Next thing we’ll all have to have physicals before go out on the race track. Physicals performed in house, by a certain ginger.


I agree with everyone else he probably definitely had a heart attack or stroke or something.

It happened at the elementary school I went to a few years back. Some guy had a heart attack right before a big turn and kept going straight right into the side of the school, the auditorium specifically where a bunch of kids were practicing for something.

I only do straight aways, I leave the curvy shit for you foreign car types…