Death at Dunville

I donno, he seems to like doing it for me :pedo:

by using the pedo thingy… are you implying that you have a child like penis?

God this really needs to be off topic…

Again best of luck to dunville, I really hope they get no bullshit out of this…

:picard: @ you guys.

We’ve been in contact with the track since it happened. Bing summed it up on SON yesterday;

man that sux

Wow, Zong was right. :shrug: That picture definitely made me lol.

Sucks there’s more bad luck for Dunnville, but hopefully nothing more comes of it.

cruise control?

the blood in my head rushes to the left too when i round le curve gggggrande

who the fuck tracks a miata…seriously.

speaking of which … How do you like it on the track as oppose to auto-x?

I could see a miata being great for auto-x, I’m not sure about the track though.

looking for a track car/auto-x car Ideas would be super


Dan, they are fantastic track cars.


dan, I have no idea what type of validity this holds as it is only one club that has this rule, buuuuuttt, the club that I was going to do some track days with has a rule about convertibles. You cannot race a convertible without a cage. AND, the cage has to be constructed such that if they run a broom stick from top of windshield to the top of cage, that there has to be at least 1 inch of clearance between broomstick and your helmet. That is basically impossible to do to a miata and still keep a top on the car. Dunno if any other clubs have that rule, but it is something to look into.

minglor runs his miata @ dunnville, among a few otehrs I can’t recall their SNs.

no cage, iirc

which club is that? of the clubs that care, a roll bar that passes a broomstick is almost always enough.

its a club in NC.

How the hell would a miata pass the helmet rule with a tall person? The helmet would probably be above the windsheild itself, let alone a cage to clear it by an inch, and putting the top back up.

I don’t even know if any other clubs have that rule(I know onyxsyndicate does not), but if you ever want to broaden your horizons, you would want to look into other club rules to be sure. I now have to find other clubs to do VIR events with because of this.

That really sucks. It’s sad to hear about the accident, but I hope that it doesn’t also effect the operation of the racetrack.

I recommend you run with the PCA and NASA, both won’t have a problem.