Attn Admins and Mods

uughh… :repost. Do you really know how much time and money it takes to provide and maintain a public web server with ample bandwidth? And we have real jobs on top of that. Like I don’t have time to go through each section everyday and babysit you guys that wanna bring non-car related shit onto the forum. If anything you’re being the most hypocritical wankster out there right now. You bitch about how all this non-car related stuff gets away, yet you sit there and antagonize other members who you may or may not know. You’re right, people hang out without the help of Pittspeed, we don’t know who’s hanging out with who or who’s joking around. Generally the only things I see get out of hand are dealing with users who have repetitive conflicts and run-ins with the rules of the board or are indefinitely douche bags/bullshitters/garbage in the first place, in which case, if given the power I would ban immediately. I see these incidents typically as an example of what not to do. Being a mod I can only lock or delete, most of the time delete :slight_smile: ,when things get out of hand or when threats start getting tossed around. Then again it’s a catch 22 b/c I don’t know who’s messing with who. Better safe to delete than sorry if things get out of hand. Like don’t you and burnyd and whoever go eat wings everyweek and toss around laura? Like, :gives + whotehfuck knows. stfu plz