Attn Admins and Mods


damn…pretty sad that someone has that much jealousy of another. Simple solution to your problems…well, don’t let the door hit u in the ass on the way out. :slight_smile:

aperantly u have no idea about me at all, i have nothign to be jealous of trust me.

You, typing all this shit up, how is it going to solve anything that you perceive as wrong? Oh, thats right, it isn’t.
take ur own advise ever?

oh and just 2 guys on here are mods and admins? i didnt know that, please delete urself from the thread

once again nut rider, go fuck a 12 year old

You are the one that started it, you stupid son of a bitch. You want people to read this, to converse about it, to discuss it. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have posted it out in front of the entire board, you would have done what I said and PM’d some of these guys.

You want the attention and you want to purposely try and call some of these guys out on the board, when they are far too intelligent to get into an argument with someone with the mental ability of a brick.

If it was something that you didn’t want anyone to know about except the people with whom you are directly discussing it with (say, your latent homosexuality), then you sure the hell wouldn’t put a thread up on here saying “Attn: Mods and Admins. I’m gay. How do I make it stop?”

You want the attention. Maybe someone should change your name on here to Paris.

im a moderator!!!

I have a penis thats been in BlkP42E


justin do you need me to sray some nitrous up your ass to cool you ok mexicans are HOT HEADS

I’m not taking sides here b/c I have no say in the fight, BUT. I am an admin on one forum, and a moderator on two other sites, and it’s not easy. Nor is it cheap to keep a website running so that everyone else can frequent it. That being said, I think that the owners/admins/mods here do a great job. KUDOS to keeping up w/ the random flaming and efighting!!! I have gathered a lot of information about shops in the area, being that I am not FROM here I would have otherwise not a clue where to go and who to trust. I am glad that we have such a nice site for the Pittsburghers to frequent, and make connections. It’s great being part of a nationwide site, lots of people, but it’s rare to find one for a specific area, that can compare to this site. Despite all the efighting, there is a lot of comraderie here between members for the most part, that is why I stick around. I read efighting for comic relief!

Thanks Whitey, and the rest of you for providing a great forum! :smiley:

I disagree with Jinxxy, there are too many inconsistencies with regards to mods and admins here on Pittspeed.

The board started with efforts of a few, but prospers with membership.

I’m guessing some of this hit a nerve for Whitey and Starboy to make such an effort. My experience, if a nerve is hit then there might be some truth in it.

You have some options.

  1. Keep whinning like a bitch about how you feel it’s sooooooooooo unfair.

  2. Just deal with it.

  3. Leave.

yours truly,
Thirteen Hundered and Twenty.

where was a nerve struck? I am used to the haters by now. Its fine with me if people feel the need to talk shit on me. I have done nothing but provide opportunity. Many have prospered from this!

  1. Launch your own campaign for moderator, and assert your bitching and whining in a funny and entertaining way, so when you get ignored you’re at least having fun doing it and you dont look like a 8 year old girl with sand in her vagina.


not in e-fights mad mod!!:smiley:

:dunno: :cuddle: :beer: me sowwy… I just got out of retirement :slight_smile:
