Attn: Bike Guys

Stay away from the older Ducati’s, they are a pain in the ass. They look good and are a nice status symbol but they reqiure assloads of maintenece and its not cheap. They are the most uncomfortable bikes you’ll ever ride, 50 miles and your soar as a mofo, not a good beginner bike. Stick with something jap for your 1st bike, they are all good bikes, more rider preference then anything. I have a mint 2002 Kawi ZX-6R for sale if your looking to go that route. Let me know i can send pics if your interested.

GSXR-750 has the same frame as the 600, just more power… it might weigh a hair more, but sure id take you up on that offer. 600’s are pussy bikes, end of story. You need to be at like 12,000rpm to even have any power. You will buy one and in a month want to sell it for a bigger bike… unless your a pussy and cant handle the power of a 600! Hell my car on pump gas, 20psi pulls 600’s all day long from a roll.

Quik - If your so all about the 600’s, why do you ride a 1000RR?

600’s suck is just a lame statement. You don’t need a literbike on the street or track to rail with other literbikes. Some people have the skills necessary to use all a 1000 offers, they’re called professional racers. All a 1000 does on the street is make up for actual skill by twisting the shit out of your wrist in all the straights because you couldn’t keep up in the twisties. Hell, dad could smoke any literbike on an ex500. Quik would agree I’m sure.

I don’t have a problem with someone buying a liter, some can handle it. That said, the Gix750 is the best of both worlds. Depends on the rider and his maturity level. I though SightnSound was going to wad himself up good on that 12, but he’s been fine.

BTW, a decade ago, they were saying that the 1000’s were ridiculously big and too fast for the street…the current crop of 600’s can smoke those 1000’s and handle better.

But to make a blanket statement that all 600’s suck? Eh what did I expect, this is the least informative motorcycle forum I surf (of 30+).

BTW, Quik, nice job on Pinks, I really enjoyed watching that show.

i’ve got an '04 zx6r (636) that I may be parting with in the spring, painting it this winter dark grey, has i think around 5200 miles on it and runs perfect…ill probly in the 5k+ range, more comparable to the gsxr 750 than most 600’s of that year i believe

Humonese pretty much summed it up. Someone who can ride well can ride anything, size of the bike is less important. “Dad” is proof of that.

Starting on a big bike can be risky, but again it all depends on maturity level and being smart - same really holds true for any bike, from a 50 up to a 'Busa.

As for having to rev a bike high before you get any power, yeah, pretty much the same for any engine. If you want a wide powerband get a V-Twin sportbike like an SV. It get’s going low and just gets better.

As for what you should get, guess it depends on what you want to do with it. You wanna go fast in a straight line (otherwise known as “boring”)- get a big bike, if you want to learn how to actually use and get the most out of a bike without killing yourself - get something a little more sensible. Worst case you might have to run a lower gear and rev a little higher to keep up with the litre’s on a 600, guess what - they’re made to do that.

If you ride a 600 for even a year and want to upgrade - so what? As long as you don’t buy a brand new 600 it won’t depreciate that much, and just maybe you helped prevent yourself from being a statistic.

All 600’s do not suck, really none of them do if the rider knows how to ride it properly. Take a look at some race lap times between the 6’s and the big bikes - only a second or two difference in most cases, and both bikes are being ridden right to the edge of their performance levels and the 1k’s are making up that second or two in the straights. Even the 250’s aren’t off the litre pace by too much.

I still to this day think the gsxr-750 is the best all around bike, thats why I bought it. After having it for a year then riding liter bikes, I still would rather have a liter bike. Its just personal opnion… same with turbo sizing, sure I could have put a 66mm turbo on my car and had a nice smooth powerband, but I put a 74mm on and its like an off and on switch, it has no useable powerband, its just stright power. Thats just how I like my setups… I guess I should have said “my opnion” is that 600s just suck. Im just saying if you are buying a new bike, I would not buy a 600, your going to trade it in a year and loose all that money. Do what you want, this is just my .02

got to call bluff on the part about your car… it doesnt run

Thanks for the information guys. I am looking for something fun to cruise with. I am not looking for a 10 second drag machine. I feel I would be mature enough for a 1 liter bike, but could due just fine with something smaller. I am stuck on the look of the Ducati’s, but the maintence worries me a bit. I have all winter to save and think things over.

Who knows, the GP might end up getting the CT turbo kit instead in the spring :dunno:

Let the fighting continue…

My first bike was a Suzuki GS500E. Maybe I’m a pussy, but I had a lot of fun with that bike. I like the looks of the naked sport bikes - Ducati Monster, SV650… And the GS500E was cheap. You can get one for less than 2 grand with barely any miles and they are cheap to insure, too. I paid $17/mo for full coverage. My insurance company, at least, rates partly by engine size.

I did get used to the power pretty quickly. But, moved to a slower HD Sportster instead of something faster.

Probably not the kind of bike you are looking for, with a $7K-$9K budget you can get a lot more, but just another opinion.

If you could be happy with something smaller, why spend the extra cash on a 1k if you aren’t going to use all of the bike? Personally, I’d much rather get the most out of a 600 than putt along on a 1k.

Duc maintenance has gotten better over the last couple of years, I don’t beleive the valve adjustments are as frequent as they used to be nor as costly, but still not on par with the Jap machines yet (in ease or $$$).

As for the Duc dry clutch - it is possible to rid the clutch of the rattle and from what I have been told (by a Duc owner who did it) and it’s not that big of a deal. Apparently, the majority of Duc owners actually like that sound. :nuts:

Basically, go try everything, get what you are comfortable with. If you get something you are happy with (and know the difference) you a more likely to be happy with that bike for a considerable amount of time. You mileage may vary…

100% true. There are many people out there that have blown motors, im sure Brian has, I know Tussy has gone through a good many, same with Phil, and Jay, and anyone else out there thats all about building a serious car. My setup makes great power, I just had a fluke motor or something?? It will be back, making more power than before, I mean only one other car put down a higher rwhp number than me on Jays dyno and it was a domestic big block. I really was not trying to bring my car up.

All I can say about the bike is… buy what you like and what feels right as you really want to be comfortable on your 1st bike.

no no not talking shit but it was stating how if you were to get challenged you couldnt back it up at the moment…damm little boy relax

Woah, I didnt know Nicky Hayden was on PittSpeed! Wow! Boy do I have a rant…

Victor… Do yourself a favor and listen to reason. First I would suggest not going for a Ducati… Just yet anyways. Not for your first bike. They are nice to look at, but they come with a price, not just $, but also maintenance) as stated from other users.

If the bike you intend to eventually plan on buying is the first motorcycle you would have ever owned… Dirt, street, moped, whatever, I would seriously conider a used one. Not a 1000$ turd, but get something that is reliable and parts are readily available for and for cheap (EBay)… Im talking about the body parts. Most likely its gonna go down or fall over. It sucks, but happens, especially in the learning stages.

Get the size you want. Its your money and your life. As long as youre not a complete idiot and go balls out from the second your name is on the owners card, you should be fine, But I doo have 2 cents to add to this…

My lobby for small displacement bikes: I am no pro racer, but I dont think I slouch either. I have been on the track and have been on my fair share of rides with many great riders… All different displacements too. I can honestly say, and it was mentioned before, The guy they call “Dad” has a little EX500 and he shreds on it. Absolutely shreds. I have seen guys on 1000s not be able to hang in the corners and turns with him. Believe me, fast isnt all that important when riding and racing… Being in control and riding smooth is where its at.Yes, in time you would be able to do this on a 1000, but it would take quite a bit more time because thats a lot of power to learn with. yes you should be able to adapt (As the guy with the zx12 said he did) if you play it smart, but its really easy to overdo it on these things. And the main reason is because you think youre ready and youre really not.

AS for your purchase, In all honesty, a 600 cc or smaller would be your best bet as your first street ride. Its not a 1000 or a 750, but yes theres a lot of power there for you. TRUST ME! Fuckknuckles SP71Supra will want you to believe that unless its a liter, its worthless. I beg to differ. Yes he can go 190 MPH on the parkway, and thats great, but I guarantee he couldnt last 20 miles on a WV ride without becoming part of the hillbilly landscape. For around here and being inexperienced I also have this to say: A 600 is all you need. Its controllable, and you will quickly learn how to control and better yet, ride a sportbike. So a word to the wise, whatever brand you get, stick to the smaller displacement… for now anyways.

And a word to Mr. I watch the fast and the furious 3000000 times and it was sick fast, and I can do that to cause its crazy sick that I have a bottle in all my rides, and a turbo with 28psi at 32 bar and its sick, and you should buy a 1000 blah blah blah… STFU! Seriously, you could potentially get someone hurt with a bad opinion like that. I believe you have fast cars and can drive, but riding is completely different… You should know Mr Hayden you do own a 7fiddy.

Also since you are Mr technical with all your car parts and accessories, I ma sure you know that theres physics and formulas that go along with horsepower… Or are you one of those cats that sits on the shitter talking to your boy reading Ricer Magazine and ordering parts over your “Shitternet” cause the ad says "This will add 200HP!? You buy it, install it, but dont know why youre putting it on the bike/car? There is this thing called Power to weight ratio. Think about that for a second before opening your cocksucker and saying 1000’s are the only bike anyone should own. I dunno about the 1/4 mile cause Im no drag racer, but Im pretty sure my 600 will keep up, if not pass you, in a rolling race with your cars. (This will be contradictory to my slag above but oh well) I dont know how you ride. You may actually be really good and better than me. I dont rule that out, but when it comes to rider ability, that will just about always take presedence over displacement anyday… TRUST ME ON THAT NEPHEW! I seen and experienced it first hand. Oh and BTW, its not RWHP, its Brake Horsepower (BHP) you beatoff.

In closing, I know speed is addictive… I know this, but until you know how to ride (Stunting, racing, just plain street riding) speed shouldnt be an issue. Smooth and in control is what ya want. Test drive a few bikes and see whats comfie for you. If it happens to be a 1000, then Godspeed. Just make sure you use your head, ride at the rate and speed where you are comfortable, and for god sakes, BUY GOOD GEAR AND WEAR IT!

Sorry if that was harsh dude and feel fee to slam away. I lub a good internet fite!:finger2:

Preach on, brother Clayton! :bigthumb: Before the :lockd:

Except Nicky Hayden needs to stay away from tiny teammates…

why the fuck do you have to log back on every 3 fucking minutes? thats really annoying especially after you submit your post, have to log back on, and ten it goes to a blank page. I havent been so dissappointed in a web forum since the good ol days of GTR.

Ya know, I had a nice explanation of my anger to Mr. Sp713q234dslij, but now I am pissed again… Not at him, (I can understand where his views come from), but the site. so fuck it. Bash me, bash my opinion, but you know I am right! Power kills especially if in the wrong ignorant hands!

Retards are now seriously pissing me off! I am really drunk and still accept full responsibility of my views… I think.

I’ll reiterate my opinion of the GS-500 Suzuki being the best starter bike ever made. Reliable, easy to find cheap, and plenty of power to learn on. I actually bought obi-1’s GS-500 as my first bike and don’t regret it a bit.

Any of the newer 600’s list at upper 10’s in the 1/4 with a professional rider right out of the box, so its not like they are turd’s…you just have to rev them to get them to make power.

i have a 49cc scooter and i love it, 80mpg suckers… cut up all you want, but whatever gets you from place to place.

Wow, SP71Supra gave some of the worst advice EVER :greddy: Anyhow, Vic, go small, learn properly and then step up to the big boy. BTW, litter bikes have a life expectancy of 600 miles or 1 month from show room floor to the junk yard.