Attn: Hookedon240

explain this rb25 you have


it’s an LS1 you dope (Jeff) Kid doesn’t even know what he’s got

ruh roh

Da fuck is goin on here.

Uh oh

its his signature on 240sxone, 3 months ago he was building a ka-t

you should prly go kick his ass then

only after yours

haha fuck off kramer


Pete doin werk wit dem Mardi Gras!!!

Kramer let me know about what you told me. Thanks.

I’ll keep you notified if you keep me posted. Good deal.

buttsecks party?

Affirmative, waiting for further notification.

You guys stfu

more about said 89 with rb25?


fluffy said he got some r/b the other night at th eshop


i never knew you cared so much?

No. getting swap parts for it now.

Seriously i know its all funny to you guys to start shit… thats what makes shift. But i just had a family member pass away yesterday… not really in the mood for some bullshit.

Carry on with what you people “think” you know

so why were ya so upittty to get fluffy to sutters today , and no mention of turmoil on you f/b page