Attn: Hookedon240

Herb overrrrrloaddd up in here

get off your high horse and go spin some bearings


Never knew there’d be so much drama involving 240s and their owners in upstate NY :facepalm

BTW if this kid was lying, I’m actually not surprised anymore at liars, as I had a “friend” that turned out to be a perpetual/habitual liar that lied so much, and it got so out of hand, that my close friends and I just said “fuck you kid” and dropped him.

So it is possible to BS your way through the world, I suppose, at least for awhile… :banghead

Stop blowing up my spot… You have been warned… Haha

Brb, went out right quick to buy an Accord.

Yes, get an MBA and you can do it from a corner office and make high six figures easy… At least for awhile.

where does BSing your way through life get you?

lies snowball cause you’ll get called out on lie #1 and then make up another lie to cover the first lie. Now you have 2 lies which will require more lies to cover those lies. Before you know it you have so many lies you dont even know what is the truth and what is a lie. Then you doubt your sexuality and you figure you will try blowing coke and succking a dick just once.

Next thing you know your picture is in the paper of you walking out of walmart in a tube top and cut off jean shorts and a box of tampons cause your ass hasn’t stopped bleeding from the huge black guys dick that you took last night.

bunch of sandy vagina 240 homos in here

^ I see what you did there :ninja


It should be more like:

'85 Gutlass - 350 Rocket/Blown 2004r Slowasballz

Uh… a bunch of people had that car in their hands. It was one persons uncomplete project to the next, to the next… I know of 4 people right this second that have touched it… and god knows what Ernie even did to it after he got ahold of it.

true lol, at least its american and not a pos

IDK man, my tranny is strong as hell :lol

so is an m22 whats your point

My 240 isnt all POS

how much does she bench?

500 ftlbs

:excited does she met up with you for a good time?

Yeah, she loves my driveshaft

Not what i heard. I heard her input shaft dried up the other night