Attn: Owners of cars with blue/yellow/purp headlights

I am currently in the possession of an air horn. This noise making device emits a lovely pitch at precisely 120dB. Best of all, it is refillable. More on that later.

In my car, my head is about 3-3.5’ off of the ground. This means that your $20 headlights any of a number of obscure, illegal colors are aimed straight at mah face.

As I’m sure you’ve already concluded, I now live by this motto: You blind me, I deafen you.

Good luck to you all, and happy motoring.

With love,

Just rigged up 2 of these as fog lights

:rofl Krammmer, youre somethin else man

I’ll blind you with my newly installed Purp gearhead jointz, then after you blow your gay horn I’ll deafen you with my Tial 44.


Kramer you better rock sunglasses at night also

Tial Q replica is nottttt 120dB, sorry brah

Prolly gonna have to

Ok, Tial Q is a BOV…which I actually have too. Tial 44 is the wastegate which I can bet is 120dB or louder when open and/or popping off limiter. :smiley:

Edit: This is def. louder than that stupid airhorn.

use a wastegate as a BOV and we might be talkin

:rofl wtf

How does one even attempt to respond to that


kramer im going to turn on you french yellow high beams on your mirrors, then proceed to also deafen you with my tail Q repz


My head/fog lights are probably well above your roof, let alone eye-line. My exhaust tips, however, are probably in perfect level with your windows. Please expect a mouthfull of black smoke if i ever drive past you, because you made me waste time reading this thread. :lol

With love,
Pauly aka Iceman

:rofl WIN


your damn right my HID’s are right in your window

but the only problem with your whole air horn in my face thing is, you need something that will actually keep up!

so, you fail

PS, detail my car. It needs some ruff buff love

Diesel trucks I will spare, dumpy V8 trucks will get the horn for sure.


I was mainly thinking about passing someone going the other way on a road, not going in the same direction.

Imma be out of town from Saturday until the 19th so I’ll talk to you the week I get back.

Im leaving for myrtle beach the 15th and taking my SS down there for the Camaro show and I wont be back until the 25th…Hense why I needed a detail asap

See sig. Suck it.

In for when Kramer gets sued because he caused an accident