scripted interviews hahahaha…why not ask us yes i am over there right now…oooooh wait your to much of a pussy to enlist…over 90% of us serving over here beleive in what we do…but you would never know that unless you were here… any media source can swing the results anyway the see fit…
so until ou enlist and come over here please do not make a bold statement saying what WE feel.
trust me we bitch…but you have no ideas what we have to endure on a daily basis…
but how woould you understand you just sit at home and listen to the media…
while i feel for you being over there and such and i would gladly enlist if i could at the moment.
From what my bro tells me 90% of enlisted people hate Bush. And thats coming from an enlisted person at fort drum. :dunno: just another side to teh story i guess
I used 10 as an example. Obviously. Next time you open your mouth thenk about what you are about to say.
Obviosly I know that 10 people from the coast of maine were NOT randomly sampled.
I was trying to make the point thats they could have asked anybody, gotten their information anywhere, but I personally was not asked. Therefore some (or a big chunk of the country) was not accounted for in this poll.
:jerkit: and shut up.
This was such a stupid argument. Why should I have to explain something everybody else understood?
what is the relevance of comparing it to other wars? 2000 dead American kids is still 2,000 dead American kids. sorry the number doesnt hold enough shock value for you to give a fuck. 1 dead soldier is 1 too many when the war is unjust and pointless.
fuck, the kicker to start the war outright, 9/11, killed what, like 1300 people? so in 1 day, actually a mtter of hours, you can almost compare the casualties of this war that’s been goign on for years… wow, not as impactful as you stated huh?
wasnt trying to be impactful. although 2000 dead countrymen is pretty impactful to me.
so billions and billions??? well yeah… shit costs money… did you ever check out a budget for THE UNITED STATES… yeah, it’s not that cheap… you don’t really see ‘million’ written anywhere on it… becuase pretty much everything costs ‘billions and billions’ :scared: for example… how much does the government shell out to the average college studen for a grant?? maybe 2k a year… lucky 5k? well the government spends 30 billion a year in that alone… the ‘war on drugs’ gets about 50 billion a year! … medicade savings in the 2006 budget are estimated at over 150 billion… a lot of money is spent or saved regardless of a war… it’s just an added cost. waht do you care anyway? was money ‘personally’ taken from you? did you get higher taxes on your paycheck labeled ‘war tax’ ?
stop bitching you pussy… i think what’s worse is arguing about the inevitable.
just an added cost? shit cost money, so fuck it? You really dont care that the US is 7 trillion dollars in debt? you dont care where you tax dollars go? :ugh:
Politicians will spend millions on anything they think will make them ‘look better to the public’ and will spend millions and billions to do things they think are ‘right’.
can you provide more information on why you believe this? Is there a specific method of statistical inference that you feel is flawed? Or is it just because no one asked you what you thought?
Its an open forum didn’t know there was an inventation :rolleyes:
I personally believe that the news media is fucked up and they always find some way to fuck up the information given.
Also when some one like say CNN (just an example) conducts polls, they are usually polling their own audience and they only know as much as the station is reporting. You can’t tell me that news stations and so forth hold an unbias opinion. Christ this has some up in EVERY single political thread on this forum.
Again I’m not saying EVERY poll is conducted like this but if its on the news and you here “on a recent viewers poll” or " a poll on the CNN website" its usually not the true picture, yet politicians or armchair jockeys like yourself take it as such when its in your favor and preach it like gospel…
My answer - John McCain and Ross Perot with Reagan advising from the afterlife- Kill Nafta, build lotsa nukes, drill in Alaska, hit up the third world for “protection” money - fight our wars from our soil - point, click, boom!