I ate an apple, I am still fat. One time I wasn’t as fat, but I was still fat.

Cool story, bro.

WTF. I swear I read this entire thread already, like a week back.

Either its Dejavu or I am fucking psychic !

psychic bro, psychic.

Was totally expecting his PJB HAPPYBDAY thread.

Well shit, I didn’t know it was his birthday too…


Happy bday brah!

Happy birthday, Paul!


happy birthday paul

yes this is all this thread should be, a HAPPY BDAY PeeJAYBee thread…so

Hap Happy Brifday PJBizz

Eman is going to eat all your babies.

truth right here…When i did a few extra meals in the day…but ate smarter in each meal i dropped 30pds in the last couple months. I am stronger now to…Paul listen to the man! Btw happy bday:tongue

that took longer then I thought a whole 23 posts in a PJB thread without somebody wishing him happy birthday.

I must say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I eat now everymorning eggs maybe some meat, and wheat bread for some carbz, and let me tell you I feel like a million bucks during the day now compared to when I did not ever eat bfast. Sooo much more energy throughout the day!!!

^ sully diet ftw

Lol thats it! Mofo is on a cruise this week so im sure he is continuing with high carb high sugar diet.

Skipping breakfast is the poor man’s way of getting high.

Probably true but seriously ok with me at this point in my life. I dont need the added drama and Im not the type to ‘need’ somebody else like that in my life.

I can hook you up with a nice girl PJB, she’s even got a kid.

Definately dont want somebody with a kid