Here is the post that you also decided to ignore…You fucking worried or smothnig? Here I will post it so everyone can read it here too…
You Are The Reason I Go To No Meets Or Contribute Money. You Have To Earn Respect To Get Respect.
I just graduated, I know about the tight college budget. That’s why for my car I chose something I could finance because I knew at the time I would simply not have the time/money for a project (not to say my car hasn’t been modded). Now that I’ve graduated once a job permits I’ll probably undertake building a CMC competitive LT1 4th Gen. or a CP competitive 3rd.
So you don’t have the $ right now and bought a econo-box to get you by. Nothing wrong with that. Until you riced it out. Leave the car alone. Save some $ for something worth it. You will never go 12s (and especially not 11s like you and your NASCAR ROCKET SCIENCE UNIVERSITY friend believe). Ask some of the board members here about hooking up 400+hp and Fwd. It certainly can be done and there’s a few Fwds on here significantly faster than me. But they are true gearheads with some intelligence. Unlike yourself. You are a e-racing, riced out ass-hat. Hell, I’m not even saying it can’t be done with your platform and powertrain. I’m am saying you will never do it, because you don’t know what the hell you are doing and you’re all talk.
fuck you asshole I don;t even make half the meets due to work and a personally life. Me and my wife both donate money. You are just a fucking box of excuses and don’t have the respect of anyone on here because of how you run your mouth.
hey since we are all homos will you have my child?
:dunno: We seem to have pretty similar views… though Darkstar might get jealous:
he can be the pivot man…
People rip on my car. Thats why i run my mouth. YEA any car can be fast and I am learning so much about cars anymore its rediculous. Sight And Sound You work good for you. I work plus school and i’m sure you were there. Cars are a hobby. I am building a car that makes me smile you are all missing my big picture here. Its my car i am gonna mod it. I don’t need opoions cause it won’t matter. I like my cars you like yours. Can;t you just shut up bout my car and flamming me all the time. I do nothing. I wake up at 8 am every morning go to work from 9 am till 5:30pm then to school from 6 pm to 9 pm and study and work on my car. It keeps my life busy. I am trying to have fun while being stressed 24 hours a day.
cant we all just get along :grouphug:
Orriginally posted by Sunhawk
Welp I’m going to work now i’ll see ya’ll later. Try to grow up a bit when i get back. Later
what is it with you and Libel all the sudden. You learn a new fucking workd while you were away from the site? The above quote is from the locked thread in archives that you turned to shit. You also used the work “libel” up above…
You are a fucking retard
not with this asshole
damn no group hug lol
cry a fucking river asshole you are the one with the attitude and KEEP MAKEING COMMENTs ABOUT MY CAR being slow and a rice bucket when I;m not saying a fucking word…Again its the “one up” high school game you are playing with me. Give it up do what you want and stop turning threads to shit and calling peopel out with a UNFINISHED TURBO PROJECT!
So maybe you should shut the fuck up and you would get left alone.
Wow. That’s the closest thing to an inteligent, respectable comment you’ve made.
In the end yes; it is all about modding our cars. And our cars are the ones we choose to make ourselves happy. Like I’ve said b4 that’s why I have respect for Shaler. However you’re still missing a big piece. You haven’t actually done any of the motor building/swapping you run your mouth about so much. Do it. Make it run fast. Prove us all wrong. Make us look like assholes. Go for it. Really… prove me wrong.
But you won’t cuz you’re an all talk ricer.
I mean you have to give me props. I am a full time student and have a full time job. So I have work ethic and i’m getting my education. I could have got rid of my car so long ago for WAY more money then its worth. But that car has sentimental value that nobody will ever understand. I work my ass off all day. I live with my mom since i don’t have a dad. I do alot more then any of you know and there may be some that do know. But I’m not scared to admit it. I work at Shop N Save. It pays 5.45 an hour. Thats not great at all but its income for my car and bills for my clothes and other things. I don’t take handouts from anyone. I work for everything I have. And you wonder why I get pissed off when people talk shit on me? I don’t even drink beer thats how well i have my head on straight. So when you walk on me YEA I AM going to get pissed off. I know how hard I work and i’m not gonna let people walk on me that don’t even know me.
I am a Business Management major at Penn State Fayette. I have a straight B average. So obviously I’m not as dumb as you think.
why are you begging for respect. Shut Up thats all you are doing with commenst like this. If props are deserved they will come with out coxing from you. Until that time SHUT UP ABOUT IT!