ATTN: tuff ass sully

I never got out of it. I just go more now even though I was going 3 days a week before.
Id just get fatter and lazier if I didnt go.

Aint that the truth. I love going and look forward to that part of my day! :excited

Yeah! Its kinda sick actually lol. I was in school thinking, “man I cant wait to bench today” :lol.

I dont necessarily get excited over going but I make it part of my day and plan around it.
I like going and often theres some nice scenery so its all good.

I will Def. let u know. i’m kind of curious as to what i could max out at right know.LOL. I may even throw some weight on the bench tommorrow at the shop and see what i can get up. lol

As for the mullet pbj. I really didn’t have mullet just long ass hair!!:Idiots.

I would throw up a pix ur I’m just to sore to walk to the fridge to get it.
I fore got to take meds the last 2 days and i’m paying for it now.:banghead

You can admit its was a mullet. Mullets are cool.

And you own a Camaro so its justified.


so having the camaro makes it alright then!!! No more hair cuts then. ya.! can save 18$ a montht to put into the car !!!lol

I’ll have you benching 275+. Move to Westchester. :slight_smile:

How much juice we talkin?? :lol

We can go that route too if you want. :slight_smile:

Basically, I made my most gains when I was lifting with other people who lifted more. They were able to spot me on a lift I knew I couldn’t do but I could just feel the wait. I see a lot of people doing 225 X 8 but can’t do 260-275 X 1-2+.

Also, another person forces you to do the last rep that you normally wouldn’t do.

Anyhow, eat protein and do a lot of dumb bells and incline. Keep reps to 3-5 and keep moving up.

I suck at inclines!! I do however like DB flatbenching. My goal is 225 X 8-10 and 275 X 1-2.

I typically make gains by going back to incline. 225 X 8-10 is doable for you. That’s about a 300-315LBS max.

Ive been told I have the size/figure for it by numerous people, but Ive never been HUGE into lifting until last year or two. I wish I got into it earlier!

Yea, it will take a bit for your other muscles to catch up for the bench such as forearms, shoulders, etc.

It’s weird. I nearly shoulder press more than bench now.

Ive never been real good with shoulders, so that explains alot. BB military press KILLS me. I like Dbs alot better, they dont hurt as much. I fucked mine up awhile back and heard a wierd noise and its bugged me knoda ever since…

^haha. Thats so gross!!!

hot off adams facebook, you better step your game up

:rofl You ass, dont wannt get NEARLY that big :lol

yeah then you’d be kramerbuttz status