ATTN: tuff ass sully

Is that deadbearwhatever?

Not reading all of this, but before any of you guys worry about the gym, you need to commit to a strict diet, which includes proper pre/post workout nutrition.

Normal days
Protein: 210
Carbs: 340
Fats: 80

On offdays use the following totals
Protein: 210
Carbs: 280
Fats: 75

Macronutrient Timing

Total Meals: 4-6

Protein: spread your protein intake evenly over all your meals (35-45g/meal)

-approx 15% of total carbs at breakfast (50g on normal days, 40g on off days)
-approx 25% of carbs preworkout (85g on normal days, 70g on off days)
-approx 25% of carbs post workout (85g on normal days, 70g on off days)
-The remaining 35% (120g on normal days, 100g on off days) of your carbohydrate intake should be spread out relatively evenly over the rest of your remaining meals.

On days when you workout in the morning after breakfast use the following breakdown
-25% of daily carbs at breakfast (85g on normal days, 70g on off days)
-30% of daily carbs post workout (100g on normal days, 85g on off days)
-45% of carbs spread throughout the rest of the day (155g on normal days, 125g on off days)

My current diet. Not sure who will understand this other than deadbeat…

yo emanuel, whats memberships go for there? with the work schedule i have, which i should be on for a while i could probably make it there with you cholos.

ABC Fitness, best gym in the area.

Well I can answer since I go to the same gym.
Its $19.99 a month and I had to pay a $169 start up fee when I joined.
If youre serious go with somebody who’s a member and tell them that member referred you and that member will get a discount on their monthly fee.

Its addicting… I have no choice but to go early in the morning so the hardest part is getting my ass out of bed. but once im up, its on…

Best Fitness in Albany is probably the best GYM in the area.

lol I read over most of this thread, 225 benching is good with a 250-260 max. I saw a pic of deadbeatrec with his tattoo, DUDE YOU GOT MASSIVE ARMS all I could think was shit this dude is a tank. Strong is great I am just shooting back to get around 190 I like to be in shape like the six pack, pecks healthy dealio for me

yeah I saw this ick before this one is photoshopped

And here comes the so-and-so gym is the best in the area… haha
There are gyms that are geared around certain goals or workout styles one might have. I don’t think you can say any certain gym is “the best”. It may be the best for your workout style… thats about it though.
Also, it seems as though everyone is very concerened about what their flat bench max is on here, which is not surprising… this is pretty much the first question you get asked when you have some size on you. I think anyone with a rather large chest can attest to this. I used to bounce at Mad River on Pearl St and recently at Plastic I can remember this question coming up very frequently once some of the smaller customers who were getting into working out themselves had a few drinks in them… haha
Well, if everyone is so concerened about working on their max flat bench, then go to Albany Strength on Central Ave. They’ll show you a thing or two about what powerlifting is all about. Anybody who is familiar with this place knows what I’m talking about. If hitting high numbers on the bench/deadlift/squats, this is “the best” gym for you. Also they hold frequent powerlifting meets to show off your max and see how you stack up against other area powerlifters.
Personally I think doing heavy 1 rep max flat bench is very damaging to your joints… at least for me it was. I got into this for a little bit and eventually your weak links are going to start rearing thier ugly heads. I know for me personally it starting coming on once I got around the 300+lb range. I started developing joint pain in the elbows and shoulders. My chest was strong enough to handle the weight, but my joints weren’t having any part of it.
I started trying to mask the pain by using wraps, joint supps, etc… until eventually I couldn’t even do flat bench without being in severe pain. I also ended up with a bad wrist injury which wouldn’t allow me to do proper bicep exercises for several months. I can’t explain how frustrating this is to know that every time you go to the gym to work your arms you can’t get a good bicep workout because you can’t hardy hold a weight with your wrist turned over without being in severe pain. Luckily it has healed up fine since.

The one gym I strongly receommend to stay away from if you are serious about your workouts is Planet Fitness. I shouldn’t even need to say why, but tootsie rolls at the front desk, pizza and bagels for it’s members, no grunting, the lunk alarm, and not equiping thier gym with proper weights and equipment is enough reasons. This place is an anti-gym. It doesn’t respect people who are serious about thier workouts, so in turn I have no respect for them.

Great post. I agree 100% on the flat bench. Not sure why people are using that to gear there “strength”. I’m getting more into Crossfit now.

Thanks, buddy.
I also have maintained what most people would consider a large chest without killing myself on the flat bench. Nowdays I am happy with getting good quality reps and switching up my chest workouts pretty frequently as well as super-setting… basically forcing as much blood in as possible, using more of a high intensity workout rather than just putting up 1 or a couple reps of heavy weight on the flat bench and then resting for several minutes in between sets.

250-260 is weaksauce.

But, it depends on your goals.

That’s a bit of overkill. I know plenty of people who go to the gym with success without that sort of break down. But, whatever makes you happy. :slight_smile:

Benching 260 @ 180lbs is NOT weaksauce.

I dont remember the stats, but I think only 5% of the population can bench double their body weight?

I would think lesss than that, double your body weight is alottttt. That would mean i would have to put up 360, and that is nevver going to happen.

I want to continue to train as a thai fighter… and managing the power with flexibility ya know?

And this thread reminds me of this…

If I read reviews like this about them before I joined I probably would be going somewhere else. But, i’m a beginner, and so far its working out really well. This gym is better than not going at all… I go to the one in Loudonville, monday thru friday 6:15-7:30am…

seriously though, I noticed the candy on the front desk. WTF is that about?

I go there too. It’s not the best place around, personally I like Golds. But for everyday ppl it’s great!
Members on here know me and the physical shape I’m in and it was all done at PF…

what time do you go? early mornings during the week are the only chance I get…