ATTN: tuff ass sully

I go at all dif times. Whatever fits my schedule.

Where did you train?

I don’t understand all the hate for PF. Those of you who know me…know I am not exactly deadbeat size. They have all the weight I can handle. I never even noticed tootsie rolls at the front desk. I just go in do my workout and go…

Never ran into any douches there either, any time I ask for a spot people gladly comply.

Too much is emphasized on your body weight. You are pushing UP remember. :slight_smile:

But yea, your body weight is impressive and 100lbs over your weight is considered very strong in my book.

working out is stupid

neg rep for a dumb comment

it is tho, the bigger and stronger you get and the heavier you go is horrible on joints and cause more injuries, im into working out but its stupid unless your just a fitness freak.

That’s not true, just being in some sort of decent shape is obviously good for you. Even if you just run everyday, its a lot better than doing nothing.

then you agree with what i said. being fit and working out to be healthy is different then pure lifting heavy weight for alot of strength. no one on this forum wants to be a track stat tho, well xcept for when they are in their cars

To some extent… all you said was working out is stupid, which is a littttle broad. I personally wouldn’t try to get gigantic, but It wouldn’t be a bad thing to put on some muscle weight.

yeah, it is what it is riight lol

LS? is a giant.

word word

lol ls? wishes!



LS? Will bench what ever you can+your body weight :lol



bullshit he is NOT benching 560lbs