Audi Avant gauge install (quick one nite project)

I bought these gauges months ago and finally got around to installing them. There really isnt a great spot to mount gauges in one of these cars (and I hate the vent, column, and pillar gauge pods) so I decided to make my own panel.

Not much to see really. I simply unbolted the useless factory ash tray, made a few simple brackets, a trim panel, painted it and screwed it in with some small metric socket cap head screws.

My original idea was to make something “fancy” where the gauges were angled up and towards the driver some, but I just wanted them in and functional for now. I figure I can always work on that later if I have nothing else to do (as if).

Also I left space in the middle for a sub amp defeat and level control switch that I plan on adding in the near future. If I ever get around to installing the amp. (another project that I have been ignoring).

Anyway, couple quick pics.


Quick. Simple. Nice.

how much for the bag of toys…

thought they came stock in that area … well my A90 has them there

:tup: i like the look

Our 99 Avant just had an ash tray there.

I dont recall what I paid for the gauges. Everything came from 42DraftD.

And thanks!
