audi s4 advice

Its fighting us but we found the issue. The slave post has broken the ears off…musta happen during the slam to second…started going back together today… I promise it’ll be right when it leaves and the price is the price…no matter its takin three days longer then it should have sorry about that man… but if its at ASS, it leaves right…has too…



Love the dedication you guys have to makin things right. Real legit guys over at ASS



I was just working with the guys…

I have bad news…

The pressure plate, i believe is broken in the car. We are going to get a camera in there to be sure.

How can i tell? There is a pulsation in the clutch pedal when depressed. This is why they thought the bleed was improper…but its not…

I can feel the TO bearing touch the PP then the pulsation begins…

Sorry for the bad news…the pulsation is caused by the high and low areas of the pressure plate fingers… Id assume once we verify, the slave breaking was due to the PP failure first…

We’ll be in touch… going to put a camera probe in there and look around…

But Im 98% sure thats the issue… Hard to find…but i’ve felt that before and somethings up in side… has it ever had a clutch put in?



/\ sounds alot like when my clutch let go. Its amazing how much you can feel through the pedal. its like a brake pedal and warped rotors.

no way to tell until you can see it. GL with it guys.

pulling slave to loo inthere with color video probe…

Not easy…but we will win…fir sure!


sounds about right :number1

like i stated, save up money, pay down loan, buy a low mileage b8 in 4 years… PROFIT!

Unfortunate the way it turned out but I guess like Daryl said what needs to be done needs to be done and come Monday we will roll up out sleeves and get to work. We initially thought it was the master and that wasn’t the case so we moved onto the slave and that was partially the issue but the big one still remains and we will take care of that asap.

I must say this is without doubt the fairest repair shop in all of Nys just short of your brother owning it and doing the work for free! Great service and patience like saints, a great group of people and I really can’t say enough good things about the shop. I will without a doubt be going back for more services.

And spend over 1/4 of the vehicle’s value in upcoming maintenance that the previous owner didn’t want to pay for! yay!

Tranny is out. PP and clutch disk Junk!!! PP broke. Disk toast. Sorry! Here till 1 if you want to see!


I lied. PP not broke yet blue. Clutch disk exploded! Needs disk and PP and t/o bearing. Might want to surface flywheel.

Sorry we were right. But we will fix it. It’ll be better then new!!


That’s great to hear guys, I’ll see you bright and early Monday morning

Damn ASS id good shit.

It is done and out-a-here!!!

They are happy…

Got a smokin deal…


Glad we can help!

Made us smile…


yup like darryl said i got the car back and it runs great, got my hands a little dirty but got a fantastic deal on the job and it runs top notch now, new slave, master and clutch.

couldnt be happier with how i was treated by A.S.S. and how they handled everything with me, will recomend to everyone i know to have their car serviced there!